Factors Involved in Construction of Knowledge B, Ed Notes

The information that one creates might be viewed as knowledge that one has personally learned. Instead of learning anything from someone else, one learns via one’s own experiences and knowledge. Therefore, the learner’s own experiences in the development of knowledge play a big part in learning. When constructing knowledge, a person goes beyond previously acquired information to comprehend and develop ideas that are original to them.

Factors involved in construction of knowledge

Critical thinking is referred to in Construction of Knowledge. Individual information interpretation, analysis, and evaluation may be part of the activities. The following elements contribute to the construction of knowledge:

Acquired Knowledge

The knowledge that one constructs is based on the prior information and experience that person has.


The process of creating knowledge is one that involves an individual’s interaction with their surroundings.

Mode of getting knowledge

The information acquired in learning as a construction is learner-centered.


The process of learning is done via one’s understanding, and knowledge is constructed intrinsically.

Decision making skills

Knowledge creation takes place in actual settings. A person will learn how to make decisions and solve difficulties as a result.

Self direction

Learning takes place in a self-directed manner as knowledge is constructed.

Skills and abilities

The development of talents and abilities via personal experience is connected to how knowledge is constructed.

Self reflection

The process of developing knowledge produces self-analysis and self-awareness.

Personal experience

The learner’s own experiences have a significant impact on how knowledge is constructed.

Unlearning process

What will be taught is not predetermined in learning as a production of knowledge. To acquire new information, one must relearn some of the things they previously learnt.

These are the elements that have a role in knowledge formation. In order to comprehend and develop concepts that are novel to the individual, one must seek beyond the information attained.