Educational Implications of The J.P. Guilford’s Model of Intelligence

  • According to this theory, a child’s brain functions similarly to a computer in that it gathers, saves, and processes information.
  • It gives information on the pupils’ skills to steer them in the proper route.
  • The SI Model helps determine the causes of the students’ subpar performance despite their average intellect.
  • This model makes the argument that some significant changes to our curricula or teaching strategies may be required to comprehend higher mental functions like thinking.
  • This methodology has examined 150 intellectual talents, allowing us to determine whether we are adequately focusing on each one and, if not, how to do so.
  • This concept directs us in creating enrichment plans for talented kids.
  • It emphasises that our attention should be directed at developing particular talents.
  • Construction of tests of various sorts for various age groups benefits greatly from the SI Model.
  • This Guildford approach will be beneficial in our next studies on learning, memory, problem-solving, etc.
  • Many talents that were unknown before to the next point were uncovered using this model. It is highly beneficial for career training.