Define Metacognition and its concept, Discuss the function and elements of Metacognition

Metacognitive strategies for language learning

Metacognition is the study of how people think and learn. It consists of self-reflective questions that provide an understanding of the learner’s thought process, including how they learn, how they think, and where they want to go. Metacognition helps people become more self-aware, solve problems, and take charge of their learning. Learners that use metacognition can approach learning strategically. Learners will be able to recognise what they already know, what they need to work on, and the best strategy to use to acquire new information and knowledge through metacognition.

Effective Metaconitive strategies teaching strategies to facilitate learning

Use of previous knowledge

Before a lesson is delivered in the classroom, students can review it to assess their prior knowledge of the subject. They will get knowledge of the queries and skepticisms around the subject.

Ask questions

To better understand the lesson being taught, students need to go over the material being covered and ask themselves reflection questions.

Be introspective

When studying a new subject, students should be reflective and ask questions in order to understand more about the material being covered.

Write more

Writing is really important for structuring thoughts, and this might assist students in evaluating their knowledge. This makes it possible for students to determine what they already know and what they need to learn.

Think Aloud

Students may talk more about a topic they are interested in and learn more about it by interacting with their friends, classmates, and even their professors about it. Speaking the facts out loud will aid in greater memory retention.

Test yourself

Learners should do some self-assessment and take a self-test to gauge their level of advancement rather than waiting for tests to show up.