Role of The Learner In Knowledge Construction and Transmission

The knowledge one has gained via education and experience is made up of facts and abilities. This might take the shape of conceptual understanding or real-world knowledge. Learning is the process of gaining information. Learning can be transmitted or constructed. A person might be said to have constructed knowledge if they learned something via their own experiences and lessons rather than learning it from someone else. One definition of transmission of knowledge is the knowledge one gains from the instruction of another person. By connecting with others, the person is only taking in the knowledge provided with him or her.

Role of The Learner In Knowledge Construction and Transmission

  • Learners should actively participate in the learning process since they are participants in the process of obtaining information.
  • While studying, students should be able to apply and relate the knowledge they have learned both for themselves and from others.
  • With the knowledge acquired, the learner should be able to deliver an appropriate and satisfying output.
  • While learning, the student should take into account both his or her prior knowledge and what has been taught to them.
  • The learner should amass, examine, and use the material for coping with fresh circumstances and abstract thinking.
  • Students must apply their knowledge and experiences to make wise decisions and deal with challenges in a responsible manner.
  • Learners should be able to use what they have learned to overcome obstacles, respond to novel situations, and handle everyday problems.
  • The student must make an effort to retain their lessons for a long period and apply what they have learnt to their daily lives.

In the process of knowledge construction and transmission, a learner plays these roles. The knowledge gained throughout the learning process should also be applied. Most crucial, whether learning anything on one’s own or from others, the student should actively engage in the learning process.