What is adolescence? What are the main problems of adolescence?

Adolescence is the most crucial time of a person’s life. This stage transitions from infancy to maturity. The establishment of childhood fades at this era, and a revolutionary process of transition begins. It is, in reality, a time of revolutionary transformation. It is distinguished by a time of maturation during which a kid grows into a man or woman.

The main problems of adolescence

The adolescent years are the most essential in a person’s life. During this time, the individual’s physical, mental, and social forces are out of balance, requiring him to make new adjustments with himself, his family, and society at large. Adolescents confront several challenges. Some examples are shown below.

  • Problem with physical growth: During this era, the adolescent achieves the most growth in terms of height and weight, and the individual feels befuddled as a result. He restricts his movements because he fears being critiqued by others. It interferes with his social assimilation.
  • Problem regarding competition: Adolescents face significant competition in many aspects of their lives. He occasionally believes that he cannot compete with a particular topic or that he will fail an examination since the academic course appears difficult to him. In many circumstances, the adolescent’s parents are overly ambitious and put pressure on him to live up to their standards. He is unable to pull on anything. As a result, he occasionally pulls from the circumstance.
  • Emotional disturbance issues: The teenager has no control over his or her emotions. His emotions are out of control. He may transgress the line of decency when influenced by his emotions. His parents and teachers make fun of him. He sometimes rebels against authority, which causes him problems.
  • Problem with his parents: At this time, the teenager desires to do tasks suited for an adult. He wishes to be acknowledged. He develops his own beliefs about marriage, vocation, and so forth. He wishes to act on his own. His parents, however, treat him like a child.
  • They don’t recognise him for who he isn’t. They don’t even expect him to make his own decisions. His desire for independence is met with resistance. This is problematic.
  • Problem of adjustment with friends: Adolescents have difficulty adjusting to friendships with members of their sex as well as members of the opposing sex. The teenager has a lot of issues that he wants to share with his peers. He does not believe it is appropriate to discuss these issues with his parents or instructors. Friendship with people of the opposing sex is also essential to him. Friendship with people of the opposing sex is a novel experience for him. He is still unsure how to interact with them.