Principles of Growth and Development

Following are the fundamental principles of growth and development.

  • Development progresses from general to specific responses: from generalised to localised behaviour. Instead of moving only one area of its body, the newborn child moves its entire body at once. It kicks randomly with its legs until it can coordinate its leg muscles well enough to crawl or walk.
  • Development is an ongoing process: Development does not happen in bursts. Growth continues from conception to adulthood. It happens gradually rather than in “leaps and bounds.” Although development is a continuous process, the rate of growth is not constant; during infancy and the early years, growth is rapid, but later it slows.
  • In development, most qualities are related: In general, a kid with above-average intellectual development also has above-average health size, sociability, and specific aptitudes.
  • Growth is complicated: all of its features are intertwined. The mental development of a kid is inextricably linked to his physical growth and demands.
  • Growth is the result of the organism’s interaction with its environment: Nutrition, climate, household conditions, and the sort of social organisation in which an individual travels and lives are examples of environmental influences. Individual variances in development are caused by differences in genetics and environmental factors.
  • Quantitative and qualitative growth: These two features are inextricably linked. The youngster not only develops in size, but he also matures in structure and function.
  • Development is predictable: We can forecast the range within which the child’s mature development is likely to fall at an early age. Mental growth, on the other hand, cannot be anticipated with the same precision.