Performance Test of Intelligence

Performance Tests of Intelligence: These exams measure a person’s IQ by assessing their performance in some way. The performances take the shape of physical tasks that call for the capacity to understand relationships and resolve issues.

These tests are frequently used to assess intelligence in people who have language impairment due to hearing, speech disorders, or cultural differences. This exam is obviously non-verbal. Following are some of these:

(1) The Pinter-Paterson Performance Scale

This has been the first significant effort to create a set of performance assessments that are standardised. The exam included of items from the Seguin Form Board, Healy Picture Completion Test, Knox Form Board, Ship Test, Cube Test, and other tests. There are fifteen subtests on the scale. A brief scale made up of 10 tests is used for the majority of applications.

(2) The Arthur Performance Scale

There are five tests on the Arthur Performance Scale. They are the Arthur Stencil Design Test, Know Cube, Seguin Form Board, Porteus Mazes, and Healy Picture Completion Test. This scale is made with little ones in mind.

(3) Bhatia’s Performance Test

This battery includes four sub-tests: Koh’s Black Design Test, Alexander Pass Along Test, Pattern Drawing Test, Immediate Memory of Sounds, and Picture Completion Test. The first of them involves arranging patterns printed on ’10 cards of increasing difficulty’ using coloured cubes. The aspect that contributes to a good score is speed. The second section has graded tasks. The coloured boxes are put in reverse order, and the person must rearrange them to form the shape indicated on the card. Time is also a significant consideration here. The pattern drawing test requires you to draw eight diagrams of increasing difficulty without raising your pencil or duplicating your lines. Consonants or numbers must be repeated in the same sequence initially and then backwards in the memory test. To get the highest score, five photos sliced into 2, 4, 6, or 12 parts must be assembled in the smallest amount of time. The overall score for the whole exam is calculated and translated into IQs using the tables supplied in the test handbook.

(4) Wechsler Bellevue Intelligence Scale (WBIS)

This scale, published in 1939, was developed and standardized by David Wechsler of Bellevue Psychiatric Hospital. The test was first revised in 1955 and three different scales come into existence. They are:

  • Wechsler Pre-schools and Primary School Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI) Is developed for children aged 4 to 6.
  • Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) Is intended for school-aged children aged 6 to 16.
  • Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) Is intended for adults aged 16 to 64 years. The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale is a one-of-a-kind assessment that functions as both a verbal and a performance scale. The scale is made up of eleven sub-tests. The verbal scale is made up of six sub-tests, while the performance scale is made up of five. These tests are listed in the order in which they are given below.