Concept of IQ and What is The Difference Between Verbal and Nonverbal IQ

In 1912, William Stern, a German psychologist, devised the concept of Intelligence Quotient (IQ). The IQ is the ratio between the individual’s mental age and her/his chronological age. In order to avoid fractions, the ratio is multiplied by 100.

10 = MA / CA x 100

An intelligence quotient or IQ is a score derived from one of several different standardized tests attempting to measure intelligence. IQ tests are used as predictors of educational achievements. People with low IQ scores are sometimes placed in special needs education.

  • Verbal tests: Verbal exams are those in which the questions are posed orally or in writing in a particular language, and the answers must likewise be provided orally or in writing. Because illiterates and young children are unable to speak, these exams are not meant for them and cannot be used to them.
  • Non-verbal tests: Non-verbal tests are those that can be modified using figures, drawings, blocks, or even other things but do not require the use of language. Army Beta Intelligence Test, Pidgon’s nonverbal tests, and Raven’s Progressive Matrices are a few examples. They have the benefit of allowing language-impaired test participants to participate.