Describe How Environmental Factors May Affect The Learning Process And How They Should Be Adjusted

  • Physical Factors: Physical circumstances have an impact on learning. There is no gain in learning efficiency if the environment is peaceful and quiet, and there is no disturbance from within or outside the classroom. Similarly, good weather, suitable ventilation, adequate sunlight, and fresh air all help to learn effectiveness. Physical discomforts, such as inadequate lighting and unpleasant furniture, lead pupils to be restless.
  • Home Environment: The environment at home is far more important than any other component. If a kid is born into a literate and educated household, his school learning is substantially aided since he has already become acquainted with the principles of formal education at home. On the other side, if the child is born into a well-educated household, his or her schooling will be more difficult. Such a youngster must overcome several obstacles and is unlikely to compete with others. These kids are at a disadvantage. Domestic economic factors must also be considered. If the parents are financially secure, they can meet their child’s demands. They buy him essential learning materials. However, if the parents are unable to afford the required learning materials for their child, the youngster’s learning will be delayed.
  • Classroom management: Learning, among other things, is affected by how the teaching-learning process is carried out. If the instructor acts in a dictatorial manner, if he does not allow any form of social connection, or if he does not allow the pupils to ask questions, the kids’ curiosity is stifled, and their chances of learning are diminished. On the other hand, if there is a democratic atmosphere in the classroom, if children are encouraged to debate topics amongst themselves, and if they are permitted to ask the instructor questions and engage with other students, the possibilities of learning are boosted.
  • Learning Material: The nature of the learning material also influences learning. If the learning content is relevant and clear, the youngster will find it easier to learn. If the learning material, on the other hand, is useless or confusing, learning becomes harder. Furthermore, if the content is simple and contains knowledge that the youngster is already familiar with, learning will be easier than if the material has challenges and diversions.