Difference Between Evaluation and Measurement in Education

Measurement in education

The process of determining an object’s characteristics or size is referred to as measurement. The word measure appears to be an exception when it comes to calculating a person’s IQ. It’s usual to say, “This exam evaluates IQ.” It also applies to measuring things like attitudes or preferences.

To determine how large, tall, heavy, voluminous, hot, cold, quick, or straight anything truly is, however, we often employ some kind of standard tool when we measure. Physical objects like rulers, scales, thermometers, pressure gauges, etc. are referred to as standard instruments. We measure in order to learn more about what is. Depending on how accurate the tools we use and how well we use them are, this information may or may not be beneficial. There aren’t many tools like this in the social sciences that come close to being valid and reliable.

Evaluation in education

Possibly the most difficult and misunderstood of the words, in our opinion. The concept of “value” is fundamental to evaluation. When we assess, what we are actually doing is engaging in a process intended to deliver data that will support our judgement in a particular scenario. In general, information on the issue under consideration is necessary for any review procedure.

A circumstance is an all-encompassing phrase that encompasses concepts like objectives, goals, standards, processes, and more. When we claim that a procedure will provide knowledge about something’s worthiness, suitability, goodness, validity, legality, etc., we mean that a credible measurement or evaluation has been done for that object in question.

Difference between Evaluation and Measurement

  • Measurement is an ancient concept, but assessment is a modern one.
  • Measurement is a straightforward phrase, however, assessment is a sophisticated term.
  • Although the evaluation’s scope is larger, the measurement’s scope is smaller.
  • Evaluation measures the behavioural and qualitative growth of the students. Only the students’ quantitative progress may be examined during measurement.
  • The learning opportunities that are offered to students in line with established instructional objectives are tested during assessment. In measurement, the attainment of the ability and the content skill are not assessed in accordance with particular objectives; rather, the assessment’s results are given in numbers, scores, averages, and percentages.
  • The evaluation as a whole evaluates the traits. The attributes are measured separately while taking measurements.
  • The process of evaluation involves testing the prior outcomes and the resulting behavioural changes. Only those procedures that are utilised to examine a student’s aptitude are considered to be measurements.
  • In assessment, a variety of strategies are employed to test for behavioural changes, including observation, hierarchy, criteria, interest and tendency measurement, etc.
  • Measurement includes things like achievement tests, IQ tests, and personality tests. Evaluation is the procedure used to gauge a student’s interests, attitudes, dispositions, mental prowess, ideals, behaviours, social skills, etc. Interests, attitudes, inclinations, aspirations, and behaviours cannot be tested by measurement.
  • The assessment seeks to alter the educational system by bringing about a change in behaviour. Only measurement is the goal of measurement.