Objectives of evaluation in education

Objectivity is an important characteristic of a good test. It affects both the validity and reliability of the test results. The objectivity of a meter laments the degree to which different people assessing the response input come to the same conclusion.

Ways to maximize objectivity

1) We should use a well-designed test that measures the exact quality we want to measure.

2). We should administer the test carefully.

3)We should anticipate and eliminate external factors  that may affect the score.

4.)We should develop a clear set of directions.

5)We should describe measurement criteria clearly.

6)We should use various strategies to make everything as objective as possible.

The Concept of Objectivity 

When one talks about being objective, we mean that we should be unbiased and remain uninfluenced by our personal feelings, opinions or prejudices. Rather, our understanding or interpretation should be based on facts. In other words, we as a researcher should maintain a distance from other researchers so that the findings and conclusions of our research are based on the data or evidence collected and not on the values, beliefs or opinions of other judges.

Reiss and Sprenger provide strategies for maintaining objectivity in quantitative research which are explained below:

1)Focus on the facts and data collected-Our interpretation should be based on the factual data that we have collected. We should be able to prove our hypothesis or claims through the factual evidence that we have collected.

2) Make sure the research is non-judgmental – Whenever possible, our research shouldn’t just reflect our values. Our values ​​influence the choice of research design, the choice of measuring instruments, the development of a hypothesis/research statement and the interpretation of the results. However, we can ensure that our values ​​do not interfere with research design and data interpretation by developing a set value assumption.


1)Objectivity requires that we as researchers be unbiased and remain un-influenced by our personal feelings, opinions or grudges when conducting the research.

2)The findings of the research must be based on the data collected and not on the values, beliefs or opinions of the researcher to ensure objectivity.

3)Objectivity in research can be maintained by focusing on the data, ensuring that the research is value-free, making sure that the researcher’s partiality does not affect the research as well as ensuring that the instruments are valid and reliable.