What are The Advantages and Disadvantages of Summative Assessment

Advantages of Summative Assessment

There are various advantages to using a summative evaluation in the academic setting. Some of them are listed below.

  • To determine if pupils have understood: A summative evaluation employs specific evaluation procedures such as assignments, examinations, projects, and so on. The instructor can tell if the pupils have learnt and grasped the material in several ways. The manner an assignment is used determines whether it is summative or formative, not the design of the exam, assignment, or self-evaluation. This allows the instructor to determine how well the pupils comprehended the topic that was delivered.
  • They determine achievement: Summative assessments are often completed at the end of any teaching period. As a result, rather than being described as diagnostic, summative evaluation is seen as evaluative. The underlying significance is that this evaluation is utilised to determine learning development and achievement. They are also used to assess the efficacy of educational initiatives. Another significant advantage is that they are used to track progress toward objectives and goals. Furthermore, summative assessment is used to make course placement decisions.
  • They create academic records: Summative evaluation findings are recorded as scores or grades in students’ academic records. 1 They can take the form of test results, letter grades, or report cards and be utilised in the college admissions process. Summative assessment is a significant element in the grading system for many schools, districts, and courses.
  • Provides opportunity: The availability of summative evaluation is a motivation since it supports individuals and allows them to create a learning environment. This is a learning evaluation that is based on the outcome.
  • Boosts individuals: When the summative evaluation result is good, it is termed a boosting factor. This form of review boosts confidence and also serves as a springboard for specific behaviour changes at the workplace or institution.
  • Weak areas can be identified: Using summative assessment findings, trainers and instructors can identify weak areas where outcomes are consistently poor. Alternative approaches can be used to enhance the outcomes in this manner. New training can be implemented for future events with the goal of success.
  • Training success may be measured: This form of evaluation aids in measuring the success of training techniques and programmes. They are compared and rated to others.
  • They are evaluation tools: Summative evaluations are considered evaluation tools because they can evaluate the usefulness of any programme, they work towards the improvement of the school or institution, they aid in curriculum alignment, and they assist students in being placed in the appropriate programmes. They are quite helpful since they provide a lot of information in the classroom. Another significant advantage of summative evaluation is that it assists in making instructional changes and interventions during the learning process.
  • Summative design: The summative design is used as an assessment approach in instructional design. Summative assessment provides useful information depending on the effectiveness of the intervention. During the conclusion, the value or worth of the intervention is assessed using summative evaluation.
  • Measures educator performance: The supervisor might assess the educational staff or the teacher using summative evaluation. This assessment may be used to assess the performance of all teachers and instructors. Summative assessment meets the school’s demand for teacher accountability. The evaluation is carried out using a form that includes a checklist and a few brief narratives. Professionalism, classroom atmosphere, planning, instruction, and preparation are all evaluated.