Discuss the main Recommendations of NCTE?

Following the main Recommendations of NCTE:

  • Relevance of the curriculum: The NCTE advised that the curriculum be pertinent to the academic, personal, and social requirements of students. The educational philosophy must, according to the curriculum, embody both our national ideology and the current social problems and difficulties. Additionally, all course materials and instructional strategies must be adjusted to reflect Indian conditions. It is important to successfully provide job experience, physical education, health education, recreational education, and vocational education while taking into account the demands, requirements, and material and human resources of the local community.
  • Flexibility within the framework: Within the scope of accepted national aims and ideals, there should be room for manoeuvring. The inflexible and unconnected teacher training programmes that exist at the pre-school, primary, secondary, and college levels under the jurisdiction of many authorities should be modified. Flexibility is vitally needed to break down boundaries between different disciplines and stage-based teacher preparation programmes. Furthermore, a teacher trainee should be able to go from one field to another without losing much of the time and work he has already put in at a specific level of his study.
  • Flexibility for relevance: The constantly growing horizons of knowledge in science and technology, as well as our country’s socioeconomic situations, have made education more relevant. Multiple teacher education modules tailored to the demands of states and local communities should be possible.
  • Flexibility for continuing education: There is an urgent need to design a system that is flexible enough to provide effective continuity between pre-service and in-service teacher education. This necessitates a flexible connection between the entities in charge of teacher education, such as state departments of education, universities, and state boards of education.
  • Flexibility for mobility: The curriculum for various phases of teacher education should be arranged to allow trainee mobility both horizontally and vertically. Horizontal mobility refers to students’ ability to transfer from one field to another without sacrificing a significant amount of time and effort. Vertical mobility refers to the ability of pupils to shift from one state to another, i.e. from pre-school to postgraduate level.