What is Flanders Interaction Analysis Category System?

What is Flander’s 10-category system

Ned. A. Flanders created an interaction analysis system to investigate what occurs in a classroom while a teacher instructs. Flanders Interaction Analysis Categories System is its name (FIACS).

Between 1955 and 1960, Flanders and other others created this method at the University of Minnesota in the United States. Flanders divided linguistic behaviour overall into ten types. Teacher speak, student talk, and silence or perplexity are all examples of verbal behaviour.

Category 1: Accepts Feelings

  • The teacher acknowledges the students’ emotions in this group.
  • He believes that the students shouldn’t be penalised for expressing their emotions.
  • Positive or negative emotions are possible.

Category 2: Praise or Encouragement

  • The teacher supports or appreciates a student’s behaviour or deed.
  • When a student responds to a question from the teacher, the teacher praises them by using phrases like “good,” “very good,” “better,” “correct,” “great,” and “carry on,” among others.

Category 3: Accepts or Uses ideas of Pupils

  • It is identical to the I category. However, in this class, only the students’ thoughts and not their emotions are acknowledged.
  • If a student offers recommendations, the teacher may summarise in his own words or manner.
  • The instructor may respond by saying, “I get what you mean,” etc. Or the instructor develops, builds, or clarifies concepts or ideas offered by a pupil.

Category 4: Asking Questions

  • Expecting a student to respond to questions concerning processes or material that are based on the teacher’s opinions.
  • Sometimes the teacher poses the inquiry but continues speaking despite not getting a response. Such inquiries are not covered by this group.
  1. Direct Talk

Next 5th to 7th categories represent the teacher’s direct influence.

Category 5: Lecturing /Lecture

  • Providing information or comments about the course material or process; expressing his own views; providing an explanation; or referring a source other than a student.

Category 6: Giving Directions

When a student or pupil is given instructions by the instructor, they are expected to follow them.

  • Put your books open.
  • On the benches, get up.
  • Resolve exercise 5.8’s fourth sum.

Category 7: Criticizing or Justifying Authority

  • This behaviour falls under this category when the teacher specifically instructs the students not to interrupt with pointless queries.
  • The “what” and “why” of the teacher also fall under this category.

2. Pupil Talk (2 Categories)

Category 8: Pupil Talk Response

  • It includes the students’ comments in reaction to the teacher’s speech.
  • Student responds to a question posed by the teacher.

Category 9: Pupil Talk Initiation

  • Conversations that students start.
  • The freedom to form opinions and a path of thought, such as through asking intelligent questions, and the expression of one’s own ideas. moving beyond the confines of the current framework.

3. Silence or Pause or Confusion (1 category)

Category 10: Silence or Pause or Confusion

  • Pauses, brief intervals of quiet, and confusion that prevent the observer from understanding what is being said.