Role of Teacher As a Guide and Counsellor

In terms of its influence on the kid, the school is regarded as the second social institution after the family. By identifying his talents and providing him with a scientific, educational programme to develop those talents, it prepares him for his future life. Additionally, it provides for his individual self and social security because it was able to comprehend the state of scientific technology evolution and educational innovations.

It provides information, the contemporary scientific method, and has the potential to evolve social interaction to the point where it is at the centre of the social and psychological system. Although the school makes an effort to facilitate kids’ natural development in all areas—linguistically, cognitively, emotionally, socially, physically, and gnostically—children nevertheless encounter a number of challenges at school and face inequity in their capacity to make healthy adoptions.

The instructor is expected to plan classes, accomplish assigned duties, and work with staff and students under certain conditions. One of the many myths about the educational process holds that the instructor should engage with the student and parents in order to assess the student’s performance. The teacher should meet with such a group and work with them, according to the second misperception about “group work.” The need of concentrating on instructional techniques that ensure the terms and conditions of both teaching and therapy are mentioned by H. Tuba and her colleague R. Tyler in 1973.

These concepts should be taken into account while determining specific teaching tactics. This is accomplished through assessing student work and the teacher’s academic delay treatment strategy. Some education experts looked at the notion of contrasting instruction with therapy. They came to the conclusion that each function played a distinct role. For instance, treatment, in their opinion, is the last stage of the academic process, which began with the process of studying the case, continued with the process of teaching, and culminated in the evaluation of the entire process. On the other hand, while they are seen differently from one another from a functional standpoint, teaching methods and therapy are important variables. Their objective is to completely revamp the educational system.

In order to accommodate students with varying degrees of competency, the teacher’s first responsibility is to provide a variety of teaching methods. The tactics for teaching that are used are continuously revised and evaluated. Given that the teacher’s function involves a sizable number of responsibilities, it may be claimed that the educational process as a whole plays a substantial role above the students’ successes. For the instructors delay treatment, three factors may be examined: the teacher’s role while on duty, the teacher’s function in the administration of the school, and the teacher’s capacity on an individual level.

Therefore the role of the school administration must accommodate to the variations of skills available by the teacher. The school head master in particular, is an individual who identifies the potentials of the teachers in his school. He can also encourage the students to excel in their creative skills, and provide them with a unique learning experience.