What is Flanders Interaction Analysis system and What are the characteristic of it

There is contact between the teacher and the students during teaching-learning settings in the classroom. The efficacy of a teacher’s instruction can be evaluated based on his classroom conduct or interactions, which can be done objectively. Thus, a methodical or objective examination of the teacher’s classroom interactions may offer a trustworthy evaluation of the teaching and learning that take place there.

Interaction: What Is It?

Teaching is described as an interactive activity by Ned. A. Flanders. Interaction refers to the instructor and pupils participating in the teaching process. In this process, both the instructor and the pupils have an impact on one another. There is also interaction among the pupils themselves. It implies that everyone interacts with everyone else participating in the teaching process.

  • Students are influenced by their teachers through lectures, questions, criticism, and direction, among other methods.
  • The teacher’s presentation and queries were met by answers from the class.
  • It involves teacher-student contact.

Interaction Analysis Characteristics

  • There are ways to improve verbal communication in the classroom.
  • The teacher can encourage more student involvement in his lessons.
  • The teacher’s direct behaviour may be changed to an indirect one, which fits better with a democratic way of living.
  • The happenings in the classroom can be captured on film or on videotape. The student is able to encode and decode his own actions.
  • This method may also be used in conjunction with other feedback tools like simulated teaching and microteaching.