What are The Characteristics of Team Teaching?

Characteristics of Team Teaching

  1. Team-teaching is a teaching method.
  2. Two or more teachers participate in the teaching.
  3. Team teaching is based on cooperation. All the teachers participating in the team teaching apply their resources, abilities and experience.
  4. All the teachers involved in the team teaching plan and execute teaching cooperatively. Evaluation is also done on a cooperative basis.
  5. In its process, the needs of the pupils, school and existing resources are also considered.
  6. In various aspects of any topic of one subject are taught by two or more teachers turn by turn.
  7. Its main aim is to make the teaching-learning more effective.
  8. Kolation among the teachers is removed.
  9. This method is based on collective responsibility. The entire responsibility does not fall on one teacher.
  10. The teachers decided their activities themselves.
  11. It is a technique of creating instructional conditions.