Identification Cognitive and affective co-relates of effective teacher intelligence, skill , personality values and attitudes

1)Highly emotional intelligent teachers tend to motivate their students better and understand their students’ behavioural and psychological wellbeing. 

2) They can also be more sensitive towards their students “disruptive behaviours, academic performance and relationship management.

3)Intelligence, like many other psychological terms, is not easily definable in terms that are universally acceptable. According to dictionary definitions, intelligence may mean either the power of understanding, the intellect as endowment, the capacity to know or comprehend, or mental acuteness.

4)Learning is impossible without intelligence. In other words, intelligence is the basis of learning. The effectiveness of learning is conditioned by the degree of intelligence.

Concept of intelligence

1)Teacher’s with high intelligence  need less amount of drill work. Likewise, it is an accepted principle that the higher the intelligence, the greater the ability of teaching.

2)The effectiveness of teaching and learning is conditioned by intelligence. Quality education can be easily achieved in this country if we have high selected teachers. 

3)It is an accepted fact that teachers with high intelligence find it easy to teach or guide the students with low intelligence. 

4) Teaching methods or procedures involving higher degree of thinking and reasoning can be utilized in teaching bright students.

Significance of skill in an effective teacher

1)Teaching offers the chance to change other people’s lives permanently for the better. As a teacher one helps to develop somebody’s subject knowledge and maybe even their mind and personality.

2)Modern society demands high-quality teaching and learning skills from teachers. 

3)Teachers have to possess a great deal of knowledge and skills about both teaching and assessment practices to meet those demands and standards of quality education.

4)Teacher learning skills are a continuous process that promotes teaching skills, master new knowledge, develop new proficiency which in turn helps to improve students learning. 

5)Teacher learning skills influences student learning outcome, this is the reason why teachers need to do teacher learning skills to achieve learning outcome in the form of changed believes about their practice or, better change in behaviour


1)According to B.K. Passi- “ teaching skill is a set of related teaching acts or behaviour performed with the intention to facilitate pupils learning.”

2)According to N.L. Gage- “teaching skills are specific instructional activities and procedures that a teacher may use in his classroom. These are related to various stages of teaching or in a continuous flow of the teacher performance.”


1)Skill of set induction

2) Skill of stimulus variation

3)Skill of probing questions

4)Illustrating with examples

5)Skill of closure

6)Skill of lecturing

7)Blackboard using skill


1)Through teaching skill, any lesson can be explained and  introduced to students in an effective manner.

2)All the introductory questions are asked in a sequence and the last one is directly linked to the topic in hand.


1)Here teacher changes the actions of all his/her body parts in a regular manner in order to save the students from boredom.

For example, he/she does not stand in the class at the same place for a longer period

2)He /She changes the position with the change of tactics.

3)Teacher can use even their eyes to give them certain directions or to approve or disapprove their efforts.


1) Through this skill, the teacher takes his students to the depth of the lesson

2) In order to stimulate their creative thinking, he asks various questions.

3)He sometimes provide clues to answer them if students are not able to reach the right answer.


1)Teacher uses a lot of verbal and visual examples here in order to clarify the difficult concepts and principles.

2)Only those examples are used here which have direct link to the daily life of students.


1)It means ending a lesson in the class in such a manner, which creates further curiosity to acquire new knowledge.

2)Students are so motivated here that they want to study next lesson at once.

3)Summary of demonstration and lecture is also given by using this skill.


1) This is also called communication skill

2) With the help of  this skill, the teacher keeps his pupils fully absorbed in the lesson and listen to the teacher with full attention without doing anything else in the class


1)Writing in a good hand on the blackboard, drawing pictures or diagrams there,

2) Doing blackboard work along with teaching, drilling, spelling on the blackboard etc. Are some of the important elements of blackboard skills.

3) Through this skill, a teacher makes his pupils attentive to his teaching. Pupils also try to learn these skills from their teachers

Personality values and attitudes in an effective teacher 

1)There is an emergent recognition on the part of educators that the personality , attitude of a teacher and their understanding of children are of huge importance for the total social and emotional growth and adjustment of his pupils.

2)A better personality and attitude of a teacher enables him/her to get to know the students and their social conditions, cooperation with parents, ensuring socio-moral attitudes, health and the organization of care and support in individual cases.

3)Teaching and learning process can be influenced by the teacher’s personality and attitude s either positively or negatively. If the teacher has positive traits in his personality as being a passion, patient, cooperative, and authoritative, he will be a successful teacher, which would ultimately make the students feel satisfied in their learning.

Significance of personality values and attitudes in an effective teacher 

1)Murray (2007) said personality influences the behaviours of the teacher in diverse ways: interaction with students, teaching methods selected, and learning experiences chosen as such the effective use of a teacher’s personality essential in conducting instructional activities.

2)Some qualities of a good teacher include skills in communication, listening, collaboration, adaptability, empathy and patience. 

3)Other characteristics of effective teaching include an engaging classroom presence, value in real-world learning, exchange of best practices and a lifelong love of learning.

4)The most important findings of the research evidenced that teachers’ positive attitudes have positively influenced students’ personality as well as their life performances. 

5) No single aspect of a teacher’s personality may be responsible for improving or impeding the growth of confidence in a student. For example, a very strict teacher who is fair, kind, genuine, logical, and nurturing may facilitate the growth of self confidence despite being very strict.