What are the concepts and meaning of Evaluation?

Evaluation is a continuous process which is an integral part of teaching. Evaluation is not merely a test at the end of an English lesson or unit. It is a much more comprehensive term than either test or examination. It goes on constantly during lessons and units and is related to the teachers’ goals and points of view on English teaching.

Evaluation is a continuous comprehensive experience and it is also cumulative. To test the efficiency of teaching, judge the progress of students and discover their achievements and evaluate the whole school system, we require some sort of measuring tools. Tests and examinations are. the most widely used tools of evaluation. Tests can be used for grading and classifying the students in any particular area but they cannot be the real interpretations of the total assessment of the personality of an individual. Examination at the end of sessions can also be used to check comprehension, memorizing power or writing abilities and then arrive at numerical or alphabetical ratings for report cards. This hinders much of the positive use of evaluation as a means of teaching and learning.

Evaluation and effective instructional planning have always stressed the attainment of instructional objectives so that they are of great help to the students. According to Muller, an instructional usable objective trust state the intended outcome in terms of the terminal behaviour of students.

Evaluation not only assesses the students but also the teachers on how far have they been able to attain their pre-determined objectives. Thus, evaluation is an integral part of the teaching-learning process. Evaluation is concerned with finding out how far students have learned as a consequence of teaching.