Disadvantages of grammar translation method

The drawbacks of the Grammar Translation Method are as under:

  • This method does not emphasize speaking. It completely ignores the practice of oral work which is the basic skill of learning any language.
  • This method fails to teach correct articulation, intonation and pronunciation.
  • This method develops the habit of translation. To quote champion, “As a general method of composition, the fundamental weakness of translations is that it prevents or retards the pupil from thinking in English.”
  • Doing translations all the time, this method wastes a lot of time for students.
  • Translation hinders the students from thinking freely in the English language.
    This method encourages word-to-word translation (literal translation) but this translation work is always approximate. Sometimes literal translation becomes ridiculous. It not only leads to errors but blunders in translations.
  • This method neglects silent reading, model reading and rapid reading.
  • This method tries to teach English by grammatical rules and ‘not by use. This is not very sound in teaching the learning of language.
  • It is a dull and uninteresting method, the students being passive listeners busy cramming and mimicry all the time.
  • This method does not even test the pupils correctly at the examinations because all the basic and necessary skills are never taught completely and hence never tested even.