English as a link language in global context

In our country, we have different stars with different regional languages. People living in those states use their languages for conversation, discussion etc. But English is a language which links them together. The leaders from different states meet sometimes formally over a common platform. By using this language, they can convey to one another their heartfelt desires and thus they can share the views of one another. In the words of Pt. Nehru: “The language link is a greater link between us and English-speaking people than any political link or commonwealth link or anything else. It is so because we can see how their thoughts are functioning, much more than in other European languages.” Thus we find that the use of English in, our country has been a unifying factor.

Pt. Nehru once said, “If you push out English, does Hindi fully take its place? I hope it will. I am sure it will. But I wish to avoid the danger of one unifying factor being pushed out without another unifying factor fully taking its place. In that event, there will be a gap. The creation of any such gap must be avoided at all costs. it is this that leads me to the conclusion that English is likely to have an important place in the foreseeable future)” Besides, we can keep our links with the outside world by using the English language Prof. R.S. Trivedi points out.

“India’s connection with the Common Wealth, the U.N.O. and its agencies, her needs for foreign trade and economic aid from different countries, her need for the technical know-how for her development and her role in the affairs of the world, all conjointly enjoin upon the framers of her educational policy to give due weight to English so that her interests do not suffer and she does not detract from her rightful place in the world policy.”