How can English Language Help You Advance in Your Career in The Future

The knowledge of English provides a privileged position to a person. People with good knowledge of English are given preference for selection to good posts. The prospects of employment for a person knowing English are bright anywhere whether India or abroad. S.K. Chatterji rightly says. “It (English) is, therefore, pre-eminently the language which opens to us prospects of employment at home and abroad and offers means of cultural communication with other parts of the world. Knowledge of English is an asset with any person and it helps him to have his selection to a good post. “A person with knowledge of English stands good chances of employment anywhere and everywhere in the world FG. French rightly say in this connection,

“English is rapidly becoming a world language. It is the mother tongue of more than two hundred million people and, in addition, it is spoken and read by many million European, African, Chinese, Indians,

Japanese and South Americans as a second language” The Radhakrishnan Commission emphasized, “English is the means of preventing our isolation from the world, and we will act unwisely if we allow our selves to be enveloped in the folds of a dark curtain of ignorance.

A sense of oneness of the world is in the making and control over a medium of expression which is more widespread and has a large reach than any of our languages to-day will be of immense benefit to us.

“Thus we find that English plays quite an important role in our national life. Almost from every angle, it is significant for us. In the past, it enjoyed a privileged position in our country. Now also its position is in no way less as compared to other languages. In spite of the bare fact that the mother tongue as a medium of instruction almost at all levels of learning has been accepted at Govt. level but the hard fact means that more and more English medium schools are coming up and greater and greater number of people are becoming interested in those English medium schools. All this speaks clearly about the dominating position of English language in our country. On this basis, we can calculative fore see that the future of English in our country will be as bright as ever.