What do you mean by Tense

Tense in grammar refers to the way verbs are conjugated to show its time, that, when the action occurred. Technically, English has only two tenses: the present and past. In written English, we add “-s’ or ‘es) to the base verb from for the present, and for the past, “-ED’ is suffixed to base form in all regular verbs. For instance, walk ~ walks ~ walked. In irregular verbs, either an internal change is made as in write ~wrote, or no change takes place as in hit which doesn’t change its form.

We use also auxiliary verbs and verb participles to create different aspects of the past and present tenses which show whether an action in/was in progress, when it began in the past, how long has it been going and so on. There are no conjugated forms of the English verb for future. We, nonetheless, use several forms to show when the action will happen in the future.