Indices of quality of life, health, nutrition, education, employment, housing and communication

what is quality of life

The World Health Organization defines the quality of life (QOL) as “a person’s view of their place in life in relation to their objectives, expectations, standards, and concerns in the context of the culture and value systems in which they live.” Income, occupation, the atmosphere, health and wellbeing, schooling, leisure activities, social connections, religious views, protection, tolerance, and freedom are all common measures of life quality. There are many different settings for QOL, such as those in the areas of international growth, healthcare, the economy, and employment. A measurement of QOL and its connection to health is called “health-related QOL” (HRQOL).

Other often correlated ideas under this view include happiness, freedom, and human rights. Happiness is subjective and hard to quantify, so other metrics are typically prioritized. Insofar as it can be quantified, it has also been demonstrated that happiness does not automatically rise in direct proportion to the pleasure that comes with raising money. For this reason, it is improper to use a standard of living as a gauge of satisfaction. The idea of human security is also occasionally seen to be linked, but it may be viewed as being more fundamental and applicable to everyone.

Measurement for quality of life

The various components that make up the idea of the quality of life are interconnected. For instance, a strong education might result in a greater salary, which can improve housing conditions.

Everyone wants to live a wonderful life, yet everyone’s reality differs widely. The institutions and possibilities present in a given city also influence the quality of life. The quality of life has a significant role in a city’s desirability, in addition to more conventional economic issues like taxation rates. Because it draws people and companies and generates money for development, quality of life is a key factor in urban development strategy.

The following guiding concepts serve as the foundation for the theoretical model for measuring quality of life: 

  • Simplicity: The model and the conclusions it generates should be understandable and straightforward.
  • Reliability and objectivity: the model’s framework must be conceptually sound, and it must also be based on good scientific and empirical principles.
  • Complexity: The model should examine the quality of life from several angles and incorporate a variety of indicators and elements that represent these characteristics.
  • Comparability – The model’s outputs should permit both intra- and inter-temporal assessments of the quality of life of residents of other nations.
  • Universality – The model should apply to all situations and have a clear practical goal, meaning that its conclusions should be helpful for public policy.

Health index meaning

The Health Index offers a single health value that may be used to reflect progress in health over time. It can also be divided up to concentrate on particular subjects to demonstrate what is causing these changes. Local government, regional, and national health are all measured by the Health Index. It also makes it possible to compare various geographical regions, health-related subjects, and combinations of the two throughout time.

The three dimensions of health, or subsets of the total health index score, are as follows:

  • In good health
  • wholesome lives
  • Healthy Locations

As explained in the sections on healthy places, healthy lives, and healthy people, each area has a number of subcategories with a variety of metrics in each.

Instead of describing the original information, the indicator descriptions in this article concentrate on defining each indication and outlining how it is calculated.

Every indication gives a reading on a specific area of health. When we use previously collected data to create the Health Index, the data may not always assess health concepts most appropriately for our needs. Due to this, we have chosen the best possible solution. This approach to index construction is approved, although it might imply that the data used doesn’t fully account for that component of health.

Health indicators meaning

Health indicators are quantifiable traits of a population that academics use to substantiate claims about the person’s quality of life. Generally, researchers will use a survey methodology to learn more about specific individuals, and then use figures to try to generalize the findings to the entire group. Finally, they will use statistical analysis to conclude the person’s health. Governments frequently utilize health indicators to direct health care policy.

Characteristics of health indicators

The following qualities should be included in a health indicator that will be used worldwide to define global health:

  • This should be described in a way that allows for consistent measurement across borders.
  • It must be valid statistically.
  • The indicator needs to be data that can really be gathered.
  • A suggestion for the adjustments that people may do to enhance their health must emerge from the study of the material.

Health indicators

  • Crude death rate
  • Life expectancy
  • Infant mortality rate
  • Maternal mortality rate
  • Crude birth rate

Nutrition Index

Kids under the age of five are more susceptible to external shocks and are at greater risk of food insecurity. Hence, it is usual practice to infer information about the general population’s position from the nutritional status of the population under the age of five. 

“Weight-for-height-and-length (WFH/L) (wasting), Mid-Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC) (acute malnutrition), Oedema (oedematous malnutrition, also known as kwashiorkor), height/length-for-age (L/HFA) (stunting), and weight-for-age (WFA) are common anthropometric indices or measurements for nutrition surveillance (underweight).”

About four months after their appearance on weight velocity, the effects of short-term influences on height velocity also occur. This report discusses why particular indicators do not anticipate mortality in the group under investigation and other populations.

Importance of nutrition index

  • Before becoming malnourished, those at risk for malnutrition should be identified for early intervention or referral.
  • Malnourished people who are not diagnosed promptly have longer hospital admissions, delayed recovery from infections and consequences, and increased morbidity and death. This information is used to identify malnourished individuals for medication.
  • to monitor a child’s growth
  • recognise medical issues that interfere with the body’s capacity to digest meals and absorb nutrients
  • identify behaviors that might raise the risk of infection and malnutrition
  • to support dietary advice and education.
  • to develop suitable nutrition care strategies.

Need of nutrition index

  • youngsters under the age of two, particularly if they are not breastfed.
  • up to six months after giving birth or for women who are pregnant.
  • those who claim to have lost weight unintentionally.
  • Those for whom specialist dietary items are prescribed to treat malnutrition.
  • individuals whose disease-related concerns can be controlled by diet.
  • individuals suffering from chronic illnesses such as HIV, TB, or others.

Education index meaning

The Human Development Indicator, which is released annually by the United Nations Development Program, includes an educational index. The HDI of each nation is calculated using the education index together with economic statistics such as the GNI (PPP) per capita and the Life Expectancy Index to assess academic achievement.

Starting in 2010, the education index has been calculated by adding the typical adult years of schooling to the anticipated years of education for individuals under the age of 25, giving each variable a weighted percentage of 50%. Before 2010, the adult literacy rate and the total primary, secondary, and tertiary gross enrollment ratio were used to calculate the education index (with one-third weighting).

One of the main factors influencing whether a nation is established, progressing, or undeveloped is well-being, which is measured in terms of financial development and satisfaction.


  • The number of years a student is anticipated to return to school or a university is determined by the phrase “expected years of schooling.” The greatest level of education that is often attainable is a master’s degree, which requires 18 years of schooling to accomplish.  This indicates that a country’s EYS index would be 1.0 if every student there pursued a master’s degree.
  • It refers to the estimated number of years that a student over the age of 25 has actually spent in school. It focuses on the conceptual length of each level of education completed, it is based on the population’s educational attainment levels and converted into years of schooling. This indicator’s expected maximum for 2025 is 15 years, hence that is what is utilized as the index’s maximum. Accordingly, a nation with individuals who had completed 15 years of schooling by the time they turned 25 would have a MYS index of 1.0.

Indicators of education

  • The Results of Educational Facilities and the Effects of Learning
  • Resources both material and human are devoted to education.
  • Access to participation, education, and advancement.
  • The organization of schools and the learning environment.

Employment Index

In short-term business facts and figures, the employment index is the total number of employees in an observation unit (including owners who regularly work there, partners who do the same, and unpaid family members), as well as employees who work outside the unit but are affiliated with it and receive compensation from it.

It does not include people missing for an extended period, such as those on sick leave, paid leave, or special leave. It also does not cover workers who are on strike. It also encompasses seasonal employees, learners, and home workers who are employed but who are not considered full-time employees under the rules of the nation in question. The total employment does not include people who supply labour to the department on behalf of other businesses, people who perform repairs and maintenance services in the area of focus on behalf of other businesses, and those who are obligated to serve in the military.