Rural-Urban Composition of Population

The structure of the population is referred to as population composition. To put it another way, it is the characterization of a population in terms of traits like age, sex, relationship status, rural/urban, education, wealth, occupational status, etc. The age and sex distribution of any population is the one that is most frequently utilised. The number and split between men and women in each age group significantly affect the social and economic conditions of the population now and in the future. With the use of population pyramids, these statistics are often compared throughout time.

Sex ratio definition

The sex ratio measures how many men there are for every 100 women in the population. Regions all across the world evaluate and map this together with age structure. In the industrialized world, women outnumber males.

This is due to the fact that women worldwide have greater life expectancies than men. This is due to the fact that males often work jobs with higher death rates (construction, police, and military). Heart disease risks are greater for men.

Men also perish in catastrophes at a higher rate. Because male offspring are favoured in developing countries, there are more guys there. Due to the high number of abortions of female foetuses, it is prohibited in India to determine the gender of a baby while it is still inside the mother.

Age structure definition

Diverse regions within nations have various patterns of individuals at various ages. There are disproportionately many people between the ages of 15 and 24 in cities with significant institutions. A considerable portion of the population in retirement communities is aged 60 or older.

Due to the large number of migrant workers that enter these nations in search of economic possibilities, one will discover an abnormally high number of males in these countries between the ages of 20 and 50.

Age structure or age composition refers to the distribution of the population by age. Every country’s age distribution may be described in terms of age groupings.

The distribution of a population’s ages has a significant impact on both the rate of increase and the socioeconomic circumstances in which it exists.

Mortality rates are a factor in determining a nation’s age distribution. On average, the prevalence of children will likely increase and that of elderly people will tend to decrease if the death rate of an area declines and the infant survival rate increases.

Battles, epidemics, natural catastrophes, and population regulations all have an impact on the age distribution of an area.

As we’ve already explored, the number of people in each age group is referred to as the age structure of a population. A higher proportion of people between the ages of 15 and 59 is a sign that there will likely be more people in the labor force. On the other hand, a large dependence ratio will result from a high population of children. Similar to this, a rise in the population of those over 60 signifies a rise in the cost of caring for the elderly.

Types of population composition

  • The West European Type: Kids make up less than 30% of the community, while the elderly make up 15%;
  • The North American Type has a demographic that is between 35 and 40 percent youngsters and 10 percent seniors.
  • The Brazilian Type: Children make up 45 to 55 percent of the population, while just 4 to 8 half of the populace is above 65.

This kind of age structure seems to have a direct impact on a country’s future because both old age reliance and young age consumption are shown to be a serious strain on a country ’s economic growth.

Population Pyramids

The population pyramid, a horizontal graph that shows the distribution of people by sex and age, is the most crucial tool in determining sex ratio and other demographic factors such as age. In population pyramids, males are placed on the left and females are placed on the right . Age is measured in five-year intervals.

This can indicate whether there is a rising or falling dependence ratio, whether there are more men than women, or older people relative to younger people.


  • Population size of dependent groups
  • Death and birth rates
  • Age and gender Mortality rates
  • population size in economically productive areas

When examining a country’s phase in the demographic transition model, this is quite useful (DTM). It is the method of altering a society’s demographics from one in which there are high rates of crude births and deaths and low rates of natural population growth to one in which there are low rates of crude births and deaths, a low rate of natural population growth; and a larger overall population.

Urban Rural distribution composition

In terms of population distribution geographically, the distinction between rural and urban regions is crucial. Farm-based agricultural nations tend to have greater percentages of the native area, whereas industrially developed regions tend to have higher percentages of the urban population.

There has been a steady migration of people from rural to urban regions for a very long time.

Just under one third of the population currently resides in urban areas; therefore, the urbanization process is relatively new.

However, there has been a noticeable increase in the rate of urban expansion. In emerging nations, it is typical for urban regions to increase at a rate twice as fast as the overall population.

The expansion of big cities is a notable aspect of population redistribution, particularly in emerging nations. The majority of people on Earth live in urban areas. By 2030, it is predicted that there will be around eight billion urban residents, 80% of whom will reside in emerging regions.