Rationalization, withdrawal & selective forgetting

Rationalization adjustment mechanism

One of the most widely used mechanisms is this one. By employing this tool, the person who has been irritated or who can’t solve his problem satisfactorily and is consequently restless attempts to minimize his emotions of guilt and worry. In response to irritation, he acts and responds in a specific way and provides other justifications than the actual, true justifications for his actions.

A unique type of rationalization known as the “sour-grapes mechanism” occurs. The origin of this name may be traced back to a legend about a fox that spent a lot of time and energy leaping and reaching for grapes in a tree that were just out of his grasp. Even after several efforts, he was still unsuccessful in his endeavor, so he consoled himself by declaring that the grapes were bad and not worth trying again.

People frequently maintain that things we cannot have are not desirable. For instance, a student who has repeatedly failed an exam would assert that only the examiners can pass such tests. The delightful mechanism is another sort of reasoning. The sour-grapes mechanism is the antithesis of this.

One’s belief that whatever occurs will be for their benefit is the main subject in this story. A person may lose a significant amount of money, which is a painful blow to him, but the impact may be lessened by the fact that he may now appreciate the more fundamental, lasting, and simpler things in life that he had previously missed due to a lack of time.

As another illustration, a housewife who lives in a modest home due to her husband’s meager salary can extol the merits of doing so by claiming that such homes are cozier and simpler to manage.

Withdrawal defense mechanism

When faced with a challenging circumstance, some individuals tend to withdraw. They make every effort to avoid circumstances that would be mentally taxing. They are cautious and insecure because of failure and criticism.

For instance, a person who fears success in social situations would avoid hanging out with other classmates. He could choose to stay at home or be by himself, and he might forgo sports or social events.

Repression defense mechanism

Selective forgetting is a common term used to describe repression. By blocking uncomfortable feelings from entering consciousness, it is the most effective defense mechanism for assisting the person in managing their risky wants and reducing the danger. Repression aims to avoid uncomfortable information from entering the conscious mind.

Uncomfortable experiences, however, simply never go away and still have an impact on how we behave. For instance, a person who suppresses memories of the hardships he endured as a youngster may find it difficult to establish healthy connections in his adult years.