The Concept and Factors of Adjustment

Adjustment in mental health

The word “adjustment” is derived from the word “adaptation” in biology. While psychologists use the term “adjustment” to refer to a variety of interpersonal or social situations in a community, biologists exclusively use the term “adaptation” to refer to the physical needs of the surroundings.

Adjustment refers to a person’s reaction to the requirements and expectations of their social environment. The requirement that the person must meet might be internal or external.

Adjustment has been studied by psychologists from two key standpoints: “adjustment as an achievement” and “adjustment as a process.”

Psychologists have developed four standards for determining how well an adjustment has been made. Here are some of them:

  • Physical health
  • Psychological comfort
  • Work efficiency, and
  • Social acceptance

Definitions of certain terms:

  • Assimilators: are those who uphold their morals and standards of behavior without ever changing, even though the societal milieu has undergone substantial improvements.
  • Accommodator: The term “accommodator” refers to a person who bases his moral standards on his social environment and modifies his opinions to reflect the new societal norms.

Characteristics of adjustment

A person who is healthy and well-adjusted ought to have or exhibit some obvious behavioral patterns. The person’s personal expectations must be met by these behavioral patterns. The following are these patterns:

  • contemplating sophistication.
  • emotional equilibrium
  • kind and considerate to others.
  • without stress brought on by recurring incidents.
  • independent in their judgment.

Elements of adjustment

There are a few key components to meeting the needs required for a person’s healthy adjustment. These are what they are:

  • fulfillment of wants
  • There is no barrier to meeting those needs.
  • strong motivations for meeting needs
  • a geographical environment that can meet demand

Process of adjustment

There are four steps in the adjustment process:

  • A need or motivation that manifests as a potent, ongoing stimulation.
  • the obstruction of or failure to meet this need.
  • A variety of activities, or inquisitive behavior combined with problem-solving.
  • A reaction that completes the adjustment by eliminating or at the very least lowering the initial stimulus.