Education and the Social System

Social System Concept:

Human civilization is made up of a web of interconnected human relationships, exchanges, and interdependencies. People communicate in such a way that their interactions may be referred to as a platform. The rational combination of pieces is referred to as a “system.” The ordered collection of aspects or elements of society, particularly human relationships, is referred to as a social system. Every person who engages in interaction has an impact on the other. Their interactions and interrelationships require a precise model, which is referred to as a social system.

What is the need for education in a social system?

Personal and societal education are both essential, because without it, all of history’s collected information and standards of behavior would be lost. A person learns societal culture, or the acceptable methods of doing things. He must be socialized into the dominant culture and taught the standards of conduct as well as outlook.

As a result, “education is a social system within a social system.” And to become a key, you must examine the structure of your organization and investigate how its many pieces join together to form a social system. 

The concept of a social system:

The notion is not limited to interpersonal interactions; it also encompasses the examination of communities, organizations, communities, and inter-societal entities.


The study of an academic institution, a nation, or the United Nations as a social system with interconnected pieces.

According to David Papenoe, “the social system refers to any kind of social grouping, from a group of two friends to a large complex society.” It is often used in sociology since it prompts us to consider how societal components fit collectively as a whole and the fundamental commonalities that exist across all types of social interaction. We may look at a high school’s social process by comparing it to the social system of a commercial organization, or we can relate a family to a sports team. Each one is a social aspect in which individuals pursue a certain set of goals, relying on one another in multiple ways, and having a feeling of group identity.

Contemporary “functionalism” has made the most explicit and self-aware use of the notion of the social system, yet it was well recognized in nineteenth-century social thinking. A social theory that considers social connections, organizations, or societies as a set of interconnected components focusing on maintaining some border or equilibrium of the parts is founded indisputably or completely on the notion of a social system. 

What is the main proponent of a social system?

Talcott Parsons has been a leading proponent of the most recent social system theory. In his publications ‘The Structure of Social Action’ and ‘An Outline of the Social System,’ sociologist Talcott Parsons aimed to provide a fresh rational scientific clarity to the idea of social system.

He has presented a number of important and valuable ideas about the social system or social group. “Theory of the social system” is the name given to his ideas in this connection. Sociological theory is another name for this. Sociology, according to Parsons, has two branches: a larger field and a smaller field. The breadth of sociology is known through these fields.

Thus, he classified it as:

“That aspect of the theory of social systems which is concerned with the phenomenon of the institutionalization of patterns of value orientation in the social system with the conditions of that institutionalization and of change in the patterns with conditions of conformity and deviance from a set of such patterns and that motivational process in so far as they are involved in all these.”