Islamic Tradition

Islamic philosophy is a branch of philosophy that distinguishes itself by originating in an Islamic heritage. Falsafa (literally, “philosophy”), which encompasses logic, arithmetic, and quantum mechanics; and Kalam (literally, “speech,” which makes reference to an empiricist form of educational Islamic theology that involves the education systems of Maturidiyah, Ashaira, and Mu’tazila), are two terms historically used in the Islamic world that are occasionally transformed as philosophy.

Islamic philosophy is a broad term that has several definitions and applications. In its widest meaning, it refers to Islam’s viewpoint, which is established from Islamic writings on the universe’s genesis and the Creator’s intent. 

In yet another meaning, it alludes to any of the philosophical traditions that developed alongside the Islamic Empire or in the background of Islamic civilisation and Arab-Islamic culture. It is a transcription of Falsafa in its most restricted definition, which refers to those specific schools of thought that most accurately capture the impact of Greek philosophical systems like Neoplatonism and Aristotelianism.


The entirety of the Islamic Philosophy of Education’s components is concentrated on the link between understanding, conviction, and behavior. According to the definition of philosophy derived from its characteristics, the field of philosophy has a strong focus on truth, morality, understanding, and God. For example, the

  • Islam places a high value on hygiene. There are several disagreements on the importance of hygiene.
  • Islam has emphasised this because it is crucial to Muslims’ beliefs and to human health. This is similar.
  • pragmatists who hold that if a source of knowledge can be verified, it has the potential to be used in human beings’ daily lives.

A pragmatist also holds that understanding is a combination of learned information and disclosed understanding. The epistemology about sanitation is rooted in understanding and is known as the sahih ilmu wahyu, whereas the ilmu akal is based on logical reasoning. This worldview is revealed in the Quran. Obviously, the feature of sanitation should be a concern since sloppiness will lead to many issues in our everyday lives. Because the philosophy of education blends learned understanding and revealed understanding, it is inherently pragmatic, which means inseparable.


From a metaphysical point of view, Islam places a strong emphasis on relationships between people, between people and God, and between individuals and the environment. Of course, the Islamic philosophy of education teaches people to acknowledge Allah as their Creator and the appropriate behavior for each relationship.

For example, it is argued that nature belongs to Allah and not to humans, based on the concepts that underpin Islamic views on nature. As a result, everything in nature, such as the ecological balance, has to be safeguarded. Because nature was made by Allah to support human existence, it is forbidden for humans to use it for personal gain.

The Islamic Philosophy of Education places an emphasis on the positive relationship between people and nature in accordance with these ideals.

Islam holds that equal educational opportunities must be provided for both genders. Islam views learning as a technique, not a goal, to a better developed ethical and religious awareness that would inspire faith and good behaviour.