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List Five Differences Between Guidance and Counselling 

List Five Differences Between Guidance and Counselling 

1)Guidance refers to advice or a relevant piece of information provided by a superior, to resolve a problem or overcome difficulty. Counselling refers to professional advice given by a counsellor to an individual to help him or in overcoming personal or psychological problems.

2)The Meaning of Guidance can be understood as “to direct” or “to show the path”. The Term counselling meaning in Hindi is “upbodhan” developed by the Commission Ministry of Education, Government of India. 

3)Guidance involves personal help given by someone. It is designed to assist a person to decide where he wants to go? What does he want to do? Or how he can accomplish his purpose.

4)The focus of the guidance is on individuals, not on the problems. The main purpose of Guidance is to promote the Growth of an Individual in Self-direction. Counselling tends to change the perspective, to help him or get the solution by himself or herself.

5)Guidance is preventive in Nature while counselling is mostly remedial and curative in Nature. 

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