Different methods for training emotions and emotional maturity


Humans go through a vast range of emotions during the course of their lifetimes. The Latin word “emovere,” which means to agitate or stir, is where the word “emotion” originates. As a result, the term “emotion” describes a stirred or agitated state of being. Humans get agitated or excited when they feel fear, contempt, joy, wrath, sadness, and other emotions.

Methods of emotional self regulation

According to the paradigm of emotional maturity proposed by Drs. Goleman and Boyatzis, there are four strategies of training emotions and emotional maturity which are as follows:

Self Awareness

It entails being aware of your feelings, motivations, and strengths and flaws. Self-awareness enables you to recognise your objectives and give your life direction. It aids in the development of self-esteem and confidence, both of which are essential for emotional maturity.

Self management

It relates to your capacity for managing your various sensations and emotions as well as your comprehension of them. You may detect your emotions and regulate them by practising self-management. When you are upset or irritated, it helps you to control yourself.

Social awareness

It is the capacity to perceive another person’s thoughts, feelings, and emotions. To develop emotional maturity, it is beneficial to be a patient listener and pay attention to people.

Relationship management

It refers to having the capacity to communicate effectively with others. In order to train emotions, one must be able to maintain positive relationships with others and feel compassion for them.