Principles of Guidance Services in Schools

For effective working, the programme of guidance services in a school must be based on the following principles:

  • In any programme of educational guidance service in the school, the interests, needs and purposes of the students’ whom it serves, should be the guiding factors.
  • The guidance services should treat the individual as a whole and serve all the students, on the principle of providing equal opportunities to all.
  • The guidance service should consider the total environment of the child and locate the specific problems, and needs of the child, so that these are remodified before they become serious.
  • Adequate and up-to-date information regarding occupational and educational requirements and opportunities should be secured.
  • The interest and effort of every member of the staff should be’ enlisted and cooperation of all the agencies of education achieved to help the students.
  • It should be directed towards improved pupil self-knowledge and self-direction as ultimately he is to make his own decisions.
  • Adequate provision should be make for testing tools and these should not be unnecessarily used.
  • Each institution should have adequate follow-up service.
  • There should be a well-organised plan for following an individual after they leave the school.
  • Guidance services should as simple as possible everybody should take and practice it easily.
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