Sociological Perspective of Guidance and Counseling

Socio-cultural foundations of guidance lie in the environment of the individual. People differ in native capacity. This native capacity is influenced by the environment, by home or by the school. Original capacities that have been stimulated by home and school, or even merely allowed to develop, produce mutual abilities and result in increased differences between those who have large capacities and those who have small capacities.

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Following points constitute the sociological basis of guidance:

Change in social pattern

Increased industrialization has changed the entire social pattern. Various kinds of explosions i.e. population explosion, knowledge explosion, technological explosion and explosion of rising expectations have given rise to unprecedented problems of adjustments which are very delicate. These problems demand their solution.

Since home and community are inadequate to meet the challenges of new times, educational institutions must come forward for equipping the youth properly and adequately. All these problems constitute the basis/foundations of guidance.

Only the right type of guidance can help young men and women in the difficult art of social adjustment.

Conservation of Energy

Most of the people, if left to themselves, will be misguided missiles in their lives and as a such lot of human resources and energy will be wasted. We should save that energy from useless pursuits which are to be conserved to be used for the betterment of society.

Guidance thus should be founded upon this principle. Human beings are to be prevented from disaster and misery which may result from the lack of guidance and direction.

Changing conditions of Home

In the past, the industrial training of the child was done at the home. The son of a carpenter was to be a carpenter and so on. There was no specialization for lab Nowadays, it is not so. Life is highly complex and mechanized. Because of specialization and lack of education on the part of the parents, we are feeling the need for guidance.

Changing moral and religious conditions

In the past, people in moments of difficulty went to the temple to seek the solution of the problem. Priests swayed over the people.

Religion had a hold. But in these days of ultra-modernism, religion has little place. Now a days guidance has to be given to remove frustration and chaos.

Changes in school population

There is a great continuous increase of pupils in schools which leads to large number of adiustment problems. In the mad race for quantity, the quality has been a first causality. Very few seem to be knowing what for they are studying. A proper guidance programme for parents and their children could have diverted these energies in more fruitful pursuits and the rush toward white collared jobs could have been avoided.

All these facts point to the sociological and cultural foundations of guidance.

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