Characteristics of Physical Development during Adolescence

Physical development describes the growth and development of bodily components that enable the body to carry out certain tasks for specific talents. Both big and tiny muscle movements are a part of physical growth. It involves alterations to a person’s physique, brain, motor abilities, senses, and wellbeing. Adolescence brings about a number of bodily changes.

Characteristics of Physical development during adolescence

  • Rapid Physical growth: Adolescence is a time when people mature physically. There is a growth spike during this time. Physical development and growth might occur quickly and out of proportionally.
  • Occurrence of puberty: Puberty begins in the adolescent years. Body and facial hair development is possible in both boys and females.
  • Physical changes: Teenage years are when the skin begins to change and pimples may start to appear. Boys could hear them thicken their voices.
  • Development of bod parts: Girls begin to grow breasts and start menstruating during this time. Girls have an increase in estrogen while boys experience an increase in testosterone.
  • Growth in height and weight: Teenagers may see an increase in their weight and height. Growth throughout adolescence may not always be proportionate since certain body parts may grow and develop quicker than others.
  • Self conscious: People experience intense self-consciousness during adolescence because of their fast bodily changes. They start giving their looks a lot of thought.
  • Development of private parts: Teenage years are when sex gland development begins. They may alternate between being hyperactive and sluggish at different periods.


Rapid physical growth occurs during adolescence, as both weight and height physically alter. It’s possible that the increase throughout this time wasn’t proportionate. Reproductive glands or organs begin to operate. To assist students comprehend these perplexing changes, teachers should be able to provide them with a scientific explanation for the development and quick physical changes.