Common characteristics of the gifted children

Unquestionably, a youngster who is intellectually endowed demonstrates his potential by excelling at every task that is worth his time. These kids are typically recognised by their teachers in schools, who are able to do so by monitoring their behaviour.

There are many myths among the general public about the traits of extremely intelligent and talented youngsters. People have the misconception that they are physically short and underdeveloped due to caricatures and “folklore” about them. Additionally, they strongly believe that academically brilliant individuals are “qeer,” “unstable,” “one-sided,” and social outcasts. Most of them end up being typical adults in terms of success and IQ.

All of the aforementioned beliefs are false, though. Groups of extraordinary kids have been extensively vetted for more than 20 years. These studies have identified the following as their main traits.

  • Physical Characteristics: Numerous research on talented children have found that they have physical development that is above normal. These kids are more developed, taller, and heavier built. They have better-than-average overall health, which persists until maturity. The risk of death and mental illness is reported to be reduced among talented youngsters. They have excellent muscular control and coordination. Terman gathered the following information on talented youngsters in 1925:
  1. Gifted children have greater weight at birth.
  2. They walk and talk earlier.
  3. They have earlier pubescence.
  4. They are precocious.
  5. They have better than average nutrition.
  6. The gifted children have more height, weight, strength of grip, shoulders, Superior motoring ability, less defective hearing, mouth breathing, less stuttering etc.
  • Development and Intellectual Characteristics: According to studies, brilliant children have better growth in every way. Early signs of their learning to talk, walk, and even read are obvious. They possess a wide range of intellectual and psychological traits. Intellectually brilliant youngsters have higher standards than ordinary children, according to case studies. Their responses are prompt, and they make a noticeable improvement. They start school early and are well ahead of their class when they get there. They engage in a wide range of activities in the classrooms. They have a wide range of hobbies as well.
  • Personality Characteristics of Gifted Children: Numerous studies have supported the existence of a close and beneficial association between personality and giftedness. Undoubtedly, brilliant youngsters are more sought-after, well-known, ambitious, and diligent. Typically, they are driven by a great want to discover and create. They are better than anybody else at handling frustration. According to some psychologists, bright kids are impulsive and self-assured. They have a strong interest in creative expression and critical thought. They’re quite motivated, in my opinion. They typically exhibit sensitivity, cunning, adaptability, and enthusiasm. According to several research on talented kids, creative or gifted behaviour is considered as a continuation of and replacement for early play. The development of spontaneously arising dreams and ideas from daydreaming and imaginative play is the source of creative thinking. Children with talent welcome ideas as they arise, whilst others without creativity stifle them.
  • Family Background and Social Characteristics: Intellectual children typically have parents who belong to the educated and professional classes. They also fall within the more elite occupational category. At home, they have a stimulating environment as well. They are social and gregarious. According to studies, these kids are very well-liked and much sought after by older kids. In addition to the qualities listed above, they are funny. These kids, according to some experimentalists, are bashful and like their alone time. From the group, they isolate themselves. Kids that are interested in the opposing sex are quite rare.
  • Learning and Education: These kids develop their walking and talking skills earlier than the other kids. They have a very strong vocabulary. They have a large vocabulary that they employ to hasten the development of their language. They also possess long-term memory. Their academic accomplishments in school are exceptional. Because of how hard and devotedly they work, unevenness in their accomplishment is hardly recognised. Nearly 50% of brilliant youngsters have mastered reading before starting school. After starting school, kids exhibit a strong interest in the most esoteric subjects. They do far better than their grades.