Causes of visual impairment

The reasons of children’s vision impairment and disabilities are very much related to one’s genetic makeup as well as the socio-psychological context and physical surroundings. The following are some examples of the major contributing factors in this regard:

  • when a kid is conceived, their parents pass on to them the genes and chromosomes that are linked to visual impairments.
  • Pregnant mothers’ carelessness with their diet, undernutrition, use of strong drugs, suffering from chronic illnesses and being involved in serious accidents and incidents, abnormal and stressful mental states, unhealthy lifestyle choices, and socio-psychological environmental conditions are just a few of the issues they faced.
  • Mistakes and occurrences that occurred during childbirth, such as premature delivery, the effects of anaesthetic drugs and delivery tools, infections that the children contracted while giving birth, etc.
  • Children in their early years experienced starvation, malnutrition, unsanitary environments, and terrible circumstances.
  • the negative consequences of contagious illnesses including measles, chickenpox, and small pox, among others.
  • infections and eye conditions.
  • vitamin and other nutritional elements lacking, which are crucial for the health and wellbeing of the eyes.
  • negative consequences of deadly illnesses including cancer, tumour development, skin conditions, typhoid, malaria, etc.
  • inappropriate postures used while work, particularly when reading and writing.
  • unfavourable consequences of reading, writing and working in inadequate lighting circumstances, such as low lighting, moving lighting, intense lighting, hot artificial lighting, or lighting that changes quickly in colour.