Multimedia Approach in Educational Technology

It is now well acknowledged that a multi-media strategy is necessary for successful and efficient learning. Edgar Dale’s 1969 film

The Cone of Experience has shown that the more the senses are engaged during learning activities, the more information is retained and for a longer period of time. Dale explains how the many aids—from verbal symbols to actual encounters with a purpose—are interconnected and useful in the learning process. Three categories may be used to group the various experience-related materials:

  • non-projected aids;
  • projected aids; and
  • activity aids.

Instructional technologists are devising ways and means to make the influence of instruction more meaningful, precise, long lasting to impart formal and non formal education by using the following gadjets:

  • Use media other than lectures to communicate knowledge, such as movies, television, slide shows, and so forth.
  • Purchase, get, or create 2″ X 2″ colour slides that illustrate the processes of a technique that will be presented.
  • To display a printed diagram, use a transparent projection.
  • Use an overhead projector to quickly create transparency from a cartoon or drawing using a thermographic copier (OHP)
  • Chalkboard diagrams should be drawn once on transparency masters, and then the transparencies created from these masters should be projected on OHP to save time when awarding them annually.
  • For use by individuals or small groups using cassette playback equipment, tape questions, problems, exercises, and background material on various subjects or at various levels of difficulty. You will be allowed to work closely with the other students as some students interact with the recorded content.
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