Exceptional children definition

Children who differ in any manner from typical children are referred to as “exceptional children.” Children that differ significantly from what is considered average in their physical, mental, emotional, or social traits require educational assistance in order to reach their full potential, according to the Committee for the National Society for the Study of Education. It has been emphasised by H.J. Baker that these kids do not belong in a different class. Even they cannot be distinguished from typical kids. These kids fall far enough outside or far enough inside the norm.

Here, equality—rather than an identity—is the fundamental driving concept. The bulk of the students in the classroom may be categorised as typical or normal due to their diversity. There are certain kids that aren’t like other kids cognitively, socially, academically, or physically. Such youngsters need specialised educational attention, and their adjustment issues demand unique intervention.

These different kids fall under the category of “Exceptional Children.”

  • According to Barbe, “exceptional refers to those children who differ from the average to an extent that their differences warrant some type of special school adjustment, either within the regular classroom or in special classes. According to psychologists all children are “exceptional” because they are unique in themselves and are different from one another. In other words, children differ from each other in a variety of ways. Anyhow children are not alike in any way. Every kid is different. When it comes to extraordinary kids, the difference is really one of degree. According to Barbe, the term “special” is simply used to learn more about the child. The child’s learning or behaviour is what makes a difference. For instance, many students suffer from eyesight problems, yet the majority of them are treatable with glasses. Only a small number need specialised aids, such as big print, magnifiers, or braille materials. These youngsters fall under the category of “extraordinary kids.”
  • Crow and Crow say: “the term typical or exceptional is applied to a trait or to a person posessing the trait if the extent of deviation from normal possession of that trait is so great that because of it, the individual warrants and receives special attention from his behaviour responses and activities are thereby affected.”