Phases of Micro-Teaching

According to Allen and others in the process of micro-teaching, there are three phases in which acquisition of skill is done:

  1. Knowledge Acquisition Phase
  2. Skill Acquisition Phase and
  3. Transfer Phase
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Knowledge Acquisition Phase

The student-teacher is now attempting to learn the skill that will be exercised. He studies pertinent books on the subject. He is also required to see a demonstration lesson in which that ability is highlighted. There are two sessions in this phase:

  1. Introductory Session: During this session, the concept of micro-teaching, along with its various components etc. is discussed in detail.
  2. Demonstration Session: In this session, the model demonstration is analyzed and discussed thoroughly.
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Skill Acquisition Phase

The ability at hand is developed by the student-teacher via extensive practise. The pupil-teacher is taught many abilities in this phase one at a time. The three sessions that follow are included in this phase.

  1. Plan Session: In this session, the micro-lessons plan is prepared by the trainee first of all and implements the lesson plan for skill.
  2. Teach Session: The trainee teaches a short lesson for 5 to 10 minutes, to 5-6 students.
  3. Feedback or Critique Session: The five major sources of the feedback procedures have been used in the micro-teaching situation. Video/audio recordings, supervisor’s observations, peer-group comments, students rating, and self-feedback.
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Transfer Phase

The teacher is now integrating the various abilities. Instead of the fictitious setting, he instructs in a real classroom with all of the pupils there. He attempts to combine all the abilities for which he worked in Phases No. 1 and No. 2 throughout his 30- to 35-minute class.

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