Major causes of exceptionalities

We have seen that many of our kids are at the extremes of their differences, showing a high presence of positive, negative, or numerous deviations about one or more facets of their personalities. These inquiries now come up: What causes people to go too far from the accepted norms in a particular area of their behaviour? What are the fundamental reasons behind our kids’ exceptionality?

The origins of one’s inherited traits and environmental effects that have been cast on children’s growth and development since their inception in their mothers’ wombs provide the best explanations for these problems.

Hereditary Factors

The adage that some unfortunate people begin their life’s journey with fewer advantages or greater disadvantages than others, while only a select few fortunate people start their life’s journey with greater advantages, clearly illustrates the importance of hereditary contributions in laying the solid foundation stone of the exceptionality visible in the child at birth or onwards. A person’s genetic endowments have always been linked to situations of positive exceptionality, such as great mental abilities and creativity, and cases of negative exceptionality, such as familial mental retardation (retardation without evident neurological injury).

The first such reliable witness in this respect may be found in Galton’s work, which was published under the name His Hereditary Genius. Similar to this, chromosomal abnormalities and the passing of faulty genes have long been recognised as key contributors to the development of a child’s negative exceptionalities or disabilities from the moment of his creation in his mother’s womb.

Environmental Factors

Environmental variables are considered to play a part in the causation of positive, negative, and numerous exceptionalities among children from the moment of their creation in their mothers’ wombs. What their moms can provide for their care and well-being throughout the prenatal time, the mother’s physical and mental health, their exposure to drugs and drug misuse, radiation, etc. unfavourable circumstances and factors at the time of childbirth, the postnatal factors that are available to them after the birth, particularly during the first five years of their early life, incidents and accidents, chronic health issues, infections, and diseases they encounter all contribute to the creation of significant deviation and exceptionality among them.