What are the differences between probability and non-probability sampling?

Probability sampling and non-probability sampling differ significantly in the following ways:

  1. Probability sampling is a sampling method in which each member of the population has an equal chance of being chosen to form a random selection. ” Non-probability sampling” is a sampling technique where the person from the population who will be picked as a sample is unknown.
  2. Probability sampling is sometimes referred to as “random sampling” since it is based on unpredictability or luck. Contrarily, the randomization approach is not used for choosing a sample in non-probability sampling. As a result, it is regarded as non-random sampling.
  3. In probability sampling, the selector randomly picks the representation to be a part of this study, whereas, in non-probability sampling, the researcher randomly selects the topic to be a part of the sample.
  4. Probability sampling involves fixed and well-known selection probabilities. The selection probability is 0, as vs. non-sampling, meaning that it is neither known nor stated.
  5. When doing a convincing study, probability sampling is employed. On the other hand, nonprobability sampling should be employed while doing exploratory research.
  6. While non-probability sampling produces more or less skewed findings, probability sampling produces outcomes that are completely unbiased.
  7. Although nonprobability sampling creates it, probability sampling tests the hypothesis.