What are the advantages and disadvantages of sampling?

Sampling has a variety of benefits and drawbacks. Some of them are pointed out below:


  • Since the sample size is less than the entire population, it keeps costs and time down and produces findings more quickly.
  • Since sampling is carried out by skilled and knowledgeable investigators, the results are more reliable.
  • Sampling is the ideal method when there is a huge population.
  • A sample makes it possible to calculate sampling errors. As a result, it helps in learning about various demographic aspects of the population.
  • Because samples are modest in size, studying them takes less room and equipment.
  • Sampling works best when there are few resources available.


The potential for discrimination is the sample’s biggest drawback. But with so many benefits, sampling is the ideal course of action for a research project.

  • Chances of bias.
  • Difficulties in selecting truly a representative sample.
  • Subject-specific knowledge is required.
  • changeability of sampling units.
  • impossibility of sampling.