
It is generally acknowledged that research should always start with a hypothesis. In research that aims to identify occurrence correlations, hypotheses are very important. Nevertheless, in research projects where the goal is to establish the position of a certain historical, social, or educational event, they might not be as crucial.

Researchers’ well-informed predictions of study results are known as hypotheses. An educated, as-yet-unverified hunch is made by an investigator to act as a provisional response to research inquiries or a study issue remedy; once confirmed, it becomes a rule, concept, or principle.

Ary, Lucy, Jacobs, and Razavich (1984) have defined it as ” a  tentative  proposition  suggested  as a solution  to  a  problem  or  as an explanation  of  some phenomenon.  A hypothesis  may  also  be  conceived  as  an  assumption  which  merits consideration and needs to be tested against the available empirical evidence. It is generally agreed  that  whenever  possible,  research  should  proceed  from a  hypothesis  or  proceed  after a problem has been identified.”

Types of Hypothesis

There are two fundamental sorts of hypotheses: Alternative and Null. 

  1. The Alternative theory is also known as the “declarative” theory. A hypothesis is a speculative prediction of how the study will probably turn out. The symbol H1 designates an alternative or declarative hypothesis, which is often expressed positively. It is a claim that makes an inference about a possible result the researcher could anticipate. A declarative or alternative hypothesis is what a researcher formulates when they make affirmative remarks.

For instance, consider the following hypotheses: 

  • Schooling and economic progress have a considerable link.
  • The achievement of pupils who comprehend research methodologies and that of those who do not differ significantly. Secondary school pupils’ academic performance will be greatly impacted by teacher strike activities.
  • On Nigerian college campuses, religious fervour is completely eradicable.
  • National security and community enforcement are closely intertwined.

These hypotheses are known as declarative or alternative hypotheses since they are affirmative and declarative. The absolute reverse of a null hypothesis is an alternative or declarative hypothesis.

  1. The Null hypothesis is often expressed negatively and is indicated by the symbol H0. As it expresses the polarities of what the experiment was designed to expect or anticipate, it is an assertion that there is no real link between the variables. The researcher will either maintain a null hypothesis or discard a null hypothesis in support of an alternate hypothesis in their final report. Acknowledging H0 just indicates that there is insufficient evidence to substantiate it; it does not imply that H0 is correct.

For instance, consider the following hypotheses: 

  • Economic progress and education do not significantly interact.
  • There is no discernible difference between pupils performances who comprehend research procedures and those who do not. Secondary school pupils’ academic performance won’t be greatly impacted by teachers’ strike actions. 
  • Cultism cannot be completely abolished on Nigerian college campuses.
  • Community policing and national security are not strongly connected.

All the hypotheses have a negative form, making the overall statement negative. These are zero-based hypotheses.

Characteristics of Hypothesis in Research

To assess a hypothesis’ value in an investigation, there are a few key factors to consider.

  1. In line with accepted theories and realities, it would even be expected to forecast or foresee data that had not yet been discovered.
  2. Capable of conveying the information in more basic words.
  3. Based on the intricacy of the topics involved in the study problem, expressed in the simplest terms feasible.
  4. To reach conclusions that take the shape of scientific or practical claims, a statement must be made in such a way that it can be tested to determine if it is probably true or probably false.

It may be discovered that the development of hypotheses can benefit from expert consultations and talks about interdisciplinary studies, in particular. It is necessary to confer with specialists in agriculture, education, planning, etc. while developing hypotheses for research on the link between the rising literacy rate in the rural population and the shifting trend of agricultural development. Nevertheless, forming hypotheses based on parallels, stories, and dialogues should only be done in exceptional circumstances.