Meaning, Nature and Scope of Counselling

Meaning of Counselling

  • It can be defined as the vital part of guidance and only provided by an expert or professional.
  • Counselling is defined as a process in which two Individuals have involved a “Counsellor” and a “counselee” (client) and in a professional setting.
  • It is face-to-face interaction , who are what, problems they are having, what stopping them to do something, what can be done, etc.
  • Counselling in education may try to diagnose and assess the problems in learning, personal problems, behaviours, attitudes, fear, etc.

Definition of counselling by different authors

  • Wren says, “counselling is a dynamic and purposeful relationship between two people who approach a mutually defined problem with mutual consideration for each other to the end that the younger or less mature, or more troubled of the two is aided to a self determined resolution of his problem.”
  • According to Shertzer and Stone, “Counselling is an interaction process which facilitates meaningful understanding of self and environment and results in the establishment and or clarification of goals and values for future behaviours”.
  • According to Merle M. Ohlsen, “Counselling is accepting, trusting and safe relationship in which clients learn to discuss openly what worries and upsets them, to define precise behaviour goals, to acquire the essential social skills and to develop the courage and self confidence to implement desired new behaviour.

Purposes of Counselling 

  • Attainment of good mental health
  • To encourage people to be motivated by educational objectives.
  • Assists in resolving issues (anxiety, fear, attitude etc)
  • Counselling to help people make better decisions.
  • Enhancing one’s own effectiveness to achieve the goals and objectives
  • To promote the development of healthier attitudes, behaviours, strategies, etc.
  • To acquire abilities for greater behavioural adjustments for efficient learning.

Need And Importance Of Counselling

  • At this point, counselling is conducted to identify any issues with the learning process.
  • For improved staff development.
  • To avoid long-term worry and dread that could have a negative impact on learning.
  • Forgetting or staying away from undesirable behaviours
  • Trying different approaches, behaviours, attitudes, etc. will help you get better outcomes.
  • To better understand us.