Value education meaning

1)Values are the principles that help us to decide what is right and wrong, and how to act in various situations. 

2)Values are a person’s or society’s beliefs about good behaviour and what things are important. It is guideline specially regarding personal conduct.

3)According to M. Haralambos, “A value is a belief that something is good and desirable.”

4)According to T.W. Hippie, “Values are conscious and unconscious motivators, justifiers of the actions and judgement.

5)Value education is the aggregate of all the process by means of which a person develops abilities and other forms of behaviour of the positive values in the society in which he lives.

Objectives of value education 

1) To ensure a holistic approach to a child’s personality development in terms of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects.

2) To inculcate patriotic spirit as well as the values of a good citizen.

3) Helping students understand the importance of brotherhood, social, national and international levels.

4)Developing good manners and responsibility and cooperativeness. 

5)Teaching students about how to make sound decisions on the basis of moral principles.

6) Promoting a democratic way of thinking and living.

7)Imparting students with the significance of tolerance and respect towards different cultures and religious faiths.

Characteristics of value education 

1)These are relatively permanent.

2)Values are loaded with effective thoughts about ideas, objects, behaviour etc.

3)They contain a judgemental element in that they carry an individual’s ideas as to what is right, good or desirable.

4)Values can differ from culture to culture and even person to person.

5) They influence people’s behaviour and serve as criteria For evaluating the actions of others.

6)They have a great role to play in conduct of social life, in creating norms to guide day to day behaviour.