Population Education

1)Population Education  provides for a study of population situation of the family, the community, nation, and world, with the purpose of developing rational and responsible attitude in the students towards that situation.

2)Population education is an exploration of knowledge and attitudes about population, family living, reproduction education and basic values. 

3)It means educating the students about large population or ever-increasing population.

Characteristics of population education

1)Population  education studies the impact of the increase in population of different age groups.

2)It studies the impact of the total population on the economic development of a country.

3)It helps the students to investigate and explore the interaction between population and environment.

4) It enables the students to describe the causes and consequences of population growth at the local, national and global level.

5)It provides solutions to population problems and makes human life happy.

Scope of Population Education

1)Population education has got a broad scope with comprehensive subject matter as it is directly related with each and every human activity.

2)Scope of population education varies according to the situation and need of the country.

3) Consequently, its subject matters vary according to Social, Economic and Political condition of country.

The scope of population education is divided into five categories


2)Determines of Population change

3)Consequences of population growth

4)Human Sexuality and reproductive System

5)Planning for the future.


a)Demography includes Birth rate, Death rate, sex ratio, dependency ratio and age-sex pyramid and population growth rate.

b)So there is a big scope of population education in Population demography calculations.

Determination of population change

a) Population change in places takes place due to birth, death and migration.

b)It also comprises biological, social and cultural aspects which directly affect the elements of population change.

Consequences of population growth

Rapid population increase directly affects Economic, Social and Environmental aspects of a place. The adverse effects of population growth on people’s health care important part of population education.

Human sexuality and reproductive system

a) It includes the fundamental aspects of human sexual and reproductive system and associated problems.

b)This scope of population education helps to develop a positive attitude towards reproductive health.

Planning for the future

 It includes various aspects of population management like appropriate age at marriage and first conception birth spacing, family planning, family welfare and use of contraceptives.

Aims and objectives of population education

1)To make the people aware about the size of population in India and to impress upon them its effects in the world contexts.

2)To tell the people how the solution of the problem relating to food, clothing, housing education etc. may be recognized by limiting the size of population.

3) To create confidence in the people in minimising population explosion.

4)To propagate the idea that one himself can limit the size of his family and the birth of children should not be left on luck.

5)To explain the bad effects of population on the health of the mother and children.