School Records

School records are meant for keeping various purposes on account of teachers, students, head office, various activities etc. It is also used as an official record for keeping students’ grades, achievements, academic performances and extracurricular performance.

It helps to locate each pupil quickly, to have the facts significant about each pupil, to explain and remove undesirable conditions, to find if all legal requirements are met, to determine if any administrative or other changes are desirable to make an important investigation and case studies possible, to reduce failure to the minimum. The school record helps in knowing pupils when the correctly ongoing, determining the capability of each pupil, providing learning activities suitable for each student, formulate a basis for the intelligent guidance of pupils, explaining the behaviour characteristic or unhappy conditions of any pupil, to make possible the development of unusual capacities or exceptional talents, to identify and make proper provisions for mentally retarded students,   make assignments to committee work and monitorial positions, to make periodic reports correctly on time and to be properly informed when conferring with parents and others about pupils.

School records also help in receiving fair consideration in the classification among different pupils. Besides it also helps in securing the transfer of correct information to other schools when desired and in receiving proper adjustment and guidance.

School Records help students in identifying their strengths and weaknesses.  They motivate students to improve their performance and provide opportunities to them by their abilities. Besides they also enable parents and students to determine guidance.

Evaluation system 

Evaluation is a continuous and systematic process which provides a systematic way to examine a program, practice, intervention, or initiative to understand how well it is meeting its goals. Evaluations help determine what is working well in a program or initiative and what could be improved. Evaluation is used to measure student progress, reform education systems, and enhance accountability for outcomes. School administrators and teachers alike are conducting evaluations of their own to improve school performance and foster creative spaces for learning.

Types of evaluation

Formative evaluation

A formative evaluation is a method for judging the worth of a programme while the programme activities are in progress. It provides the student with feedback regarding his / her success or failure in attaining the instructional objectives. For a teacher, formative evaluation provides information for making instructions and remedies more effective. Quizzes, unit tests, and chapter tests are examples of evaluative instruments used in this type of Evaluation.

Diagnostic evaluation

It goes a step further and tries to provide an example for the possible causes for problems in learning. Diagnostic tests are, thus, more comprehensive and detailed.

Summative evaluation

It is a method of judging the worth of a programme at the end of the programme activities. The focus is on the outcome. Summative evaluation generally includes oral reports, projects, term papers, and teacher-made achievement tests, and it shows how good or how satisfactory the student is in accomplishing the objectives of instructions.

Placement evaluation

It is conducted before instruction or intervention to establish a baseline from which individual student growth can be measured. This type of assessment is used to know what the student’s skill level is in the subject. Placement assessments are used to “place” students into a course, course level, or academic program. For example, an assessment may be used to determine whether a student is ready for Arithmetic or a higher-level Arithmetic course, such as an honours-level course. Through placement evaluation, one gets to know how well he/ she can perform under performance pressure and time constraints. You get to know your weak spots as well as your strengths.