Principles of Educational Administration

Sharing responsibility: Sharing responsibilities enables the leader or the head of the institution and the followers to have good mental health.

Principle of equality: Democracy demands equality of opportunity for all. All are equal in the eyes of the common man. A democratic head feels should consider himself as one social being in an inseparable unity of the same social structures.

Principle of freedom:  Full freedom should be given to the staff to ensure a smooth workflow.

Principle of co-operation: There should be proper co-operation among members of the school/institution with colleagues as well as with the head of the institution.

Principle of justice: An educational administration will be victorious only if the head/leader does justice to one and all. In an administration, all should be treated alike and get due significance.

Principle of recognition of individual worth: The head should exhibit equality to all by coming close and trying to understand his followers’ capabilities, which would ultimately help him in recognising the Quality or merit of each individual.

Principle of leadership:  The head of an organisation should be capable to lead, inspiring, directing, guiding and leading the staff, the candidates, the parents and the community as well because effective leadership is required at various levels.

Principle of democratic Philosophy: A set of philosophies behind every work ensures its success. In a democratic setup of life, a democratic philosophy of the head will make the institution function smoothly and effectively.

Principle of flexibility: A democratic head of an institution should have a firm belief in the principle of flexibility and he should be ever ready to accommodate others in the wider interest of the institution.

Principle of efficiency. It should be noted that all people are not capable of doing the same job with equal efficiency. Only a few possess the capability to do that job in the best way.

Principle of optimism: An administrator should have trust in the efficiency of his programmes. He should be fundamentally optimistic in his outlook and constructive in his policies and procedures.

Principle of professional growth: Colleagues and subordinates play a crucial role in the success of their administrator. Therefore, the administrator should be genuinely focused on the professional growth of his staff to ensure their duties are successful.

Principle of relative value: All decisions should be made based on relative values. The advancement of the institution or candidate should be the most imperative resolving factor so all resolutions or commitment they must be made based on Relative value