Concept Attainment Model

Jerome Bruner presents the Concept Attainment Model. By contrasting and comparing examples, a learner must use this model to determine the characteristics of a category that has already been created in another person’s thinking. It includes the traits (sometimes referred to as qualities) of the notions with illustrations lacking such characteristics.

In essence, the examples constitute a portion of a given dataset or resource. The classification is the subgroup or group of cases that have one or more features in common with one another but not with the other instances. The topic or group is taught by comparing and analyzing the good examples with the negative ones.

By finding traits or essential aspects through a systematic assessment, evaluation, and contradiction of instances, the paradigm aids students in understanding and learning topics. This technique uses two sets of examples: Yes examples (examples that have the concept’s qualities) and No examples (examples without those features).

Components of concept attainment model


Presenting facts to the learner is step one of the Concept Attainment Model. Each piece of data can serve as an example or an exception to the rule of the notion. Pairs of the units are displayed. Events, people, things, stories, photographs, or any other kind of distinguishable unit may be included in the data.

In phase two, the students compare their understanding of the idea by producing their own examples and then accurately recognising further unlabeled examples of the subject. Students start to examine the methods they use to acquire ideas in phase three.

Social system:

“The instructor picks the idea, chooses and arranges the content into both positive and negative cases, then schedules the instance before instructing using the Concept Attainment Model. The three major functions of the teacher during concept attainment activity are to record, prompt (cue) and present additional data.”

Principle of Reaction:

The instructor must encourage the students’ theories as the course progresses. The instructor, who is once more highly encouraging, directs the learners’ focus in the final stages of the model beyond evaluation of their theories and thought patterns.

Support System:

The presentation of both positive and negative examples to the learners is necessary for concept attainment classes. Prior knowledge of the different databases and visibility of the properties. Includes specifying an example’s qualities after being given an example, which may then be documented.

Instructional and Nurturant Effects:

The Concept Attainment Model is intended for teaching both the structure of ideas and groups of potential. The techniques encourage a sensitivity to logical thinking in interaction, an understanding of different viewpoints, and an acceptance of ambiguity through the use of abstract notions.

QAIT Model (Quality, Appropriateness, Incentive & Time)

QAIT Model

The Quality, Appropriateness, Incentive, and Time (QAIT) model is useful when considering how to encourage bottom-up innovation. This model describes how to reward different levels of quality, appropriate use of resources, and time spent on projects.


Quality is the degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfills requirements. It is an essential part of any quality management system and, in fact, one of its main objectives.

Quality can be defined as “the degree to which a product or service meets the needs or expectations of the customer by satisfying his or her real needs and desires” (ISO 9000:2000). In other words, quality relates to whether something is fit for purpose and does what it should do.


The importance of appropriateness is well-known to most people. It’s the first step in ensuring that your product or service meets its intended purpose, and it’s one that should be taken seriously by everyone involved with the process.

You can define appropriateness as “the degree to which a person can use something.” For example: if you’re building a house and someone asks you how much space they need, you wouldn’t just say “I don’t know” because there are so many variables involved (such as shape and size) that it would be difficult for anyone else besides yourself; instead, what you’d do is ask them what type of room they plan on having. Similarly, when designing software systems such as those used within healthcare facilities like hospitals or clinics; clinicians will often ask their patients questions about their preferences before administering any treatment plans out loud so everyone knows exactly why certain treatments were chosen over others based on how well each patient likes these things compared against everything else available at any given moment during treatment planning sessions where doctors must consider several factors simultaneously while determining whether each proposed alternative course is likely effective at improving patient outcomes given current circumstances.


Incentives are used to encourage behavior. They can be monetary, non-monetary or a combination of both. The most common incentives are financial and non-financial rewards, but there are a wide variety of ways to incentivize your employees to do their job well.

Incentives can be used for innovation purposes, but they can also be used as punishment or reward depending on the situation you face with your team members. Therefore, it’s important that you understand how each type of incentive works best for your company, specifically because some will work better than others depending on what kind of culture you want in place within your organization – this means knowing where all these different types fit within our overall culture strategy!


Time is a key element that can be used to encourage innovation. According to the model, time is a driving force of innovation because it allows individuals and organizations to take risks, which ultimately leads to new products or services being developed.

In order for time-based incentives or disincentives to be effective, they must be well-defined and clearly communicated by management at all levels of an organization. The communication process should include employees so that they understand how their actions impact their individual performance on projects within their department or function (such as quality assurance).

For example: If you want someone who works in QAIT Modeling Department AIDC program at your company? You may tell her/him “If I don’t see any improvement in this program within next two months; we will terminate our contract with them.” This kind of message would help get people motivated because they know exactly what consequences follow if there are no improvements made within certain time frame period specified by management decision makers before going ahead with termination decision based on performance results from last quarter’s results etc…

A model that is useful when considering how to encourage bottom-up innovation.

The QAIT model is a way to encourage bottom-up innovation. It’s a simple concept that can be used to think about how to encourage bottom-up innovation, but it’s not a way to measure the quality of bottom-up innovation.


This model provides a useful framework for thinking about how to encourage bottom-up innovation. It can be helpful both in the short and long run and is particularly relevant when considering how to deal with bottlenecks on the road to developing new solutions or processes.