Methods of motivating adults for learning

Adult learners have different needs than their younger counterparts. They have responsibilities outside of school, and they’re likely not as enthusiastic about the subject material, so different methods must be used to motivate them and keep them interested in the material being presented to them. Use these seven ways to motivate adult learners and you’ll be able to keep your students engaged as they strive toward their educational goals.

While adult learners can be a challenge to teach, they can also be very rewarding, as they bring life experience and maturity to the classroom setting. With the right methods of motivating adult learners, teachers can help make the classroom engaging and productive for all involved. Here are seven ways to motivate adult learners in any class setting.

what motivates adults to learn

  1. Show them something they want:

Most adults are driven by results. They want to know what’s in it for them. So, when you’re trying to motivate an adult learner, it’s important to show them how what they’re learning can help them achieve their goals. How does the course content apply to the real world? How will it make a difference in their careers or personal lives? Remember, adults don’t like learning for the sake of learning. They need a reason why. Show them a way that learning this new skill will be personally beneficial. Make sure your arguments are well-reasoned and supported with statistics and facts. For example, say that improving their time management skills is going to allow them to spend more time with family (or on other activities). The point is that if you can show the adult learner how the course content is going to help them reach something they care about, then they’ll be much more motivated than if all you say is here’s your homework.

  1. Create a sense of urgency:
  •  Make sure your learners understand why what they’re doing is important. Why does it matter that they complete this task or learn this concept?
  • Help them see how their learning will benefit them in the short- and long-term. What will they be able to do once they’ve mastered the material?
  • Set realistic goals for them to strive for, and break down the steps needed to achieve those goals so they can see their progress along the way. 
  • Schedule periodic check-ins with them to review where they are and where they need to go next. 
  • Let them know you believe in them–and give examples of how others have succeeded at something similar! 
  • Give them praise for trying new things and tackling challenges head on, even if they don’t always succeed on the first try.
  • Acknowledge them as a person and not just a learner: ask about their lives outside of work or school, talk about common interests, invite them to get involved in other aspects of your organization’s work besides teaching if appropriate (volunteering, fundraising), offer flexibility in work schedules so they can better balance work with family obligations or other commitments outside of work.
  1. Find their pain points:

As an adult learner, you likely have a lot of responsibilities competing for your time and attention. That’s why it’s important to find ways to make learning relevant to your life and address any pain points that might be holding you back. For example, if you’re overwhelmed by how much there is to learn about the subject or frustrated with what feels like endless repetition, consider ways to break up the content into smaller chunks or add some variety by switching between different instructional strategies. You could also try adding some gamification elements like virtual badges or completing challenges as a way of motivating yourself and encouraging your brain to stay engaged.

  1. Help people build skills while they sleep:

Research shows that people can actually build new skills while they sleep. According to a study published in the journal Nature Neuroscience, participants who slept after learning a new task were better at completing that task than those who didn’t sleep. Sleeping helps consolidate memories and makes it easier for the brain to learn new information. Researchers believe this is because during deep sleep, there are bursts of activity in the hippocampus, which is where memories are formed. By working on skills during the day and sleeping soundly at night, adults can become more knowledgeable with minimal effort. 

One way to encourage people to sleep well is by helping them get enough rest between days so their bodies will have time to recover from work or exercise. Another strategy is ensuring that whatever activities an adult does during the day aren’t too intense or taxing so he or she will be able to fall asleep easily at night. If one tries these methods of motivation, they should notice a change in their quality of life as well as their productivity levels!

  1. Make them feel special and in control:

Adults like to feel special and in control. When you make them feel like they are a valuable part of the learning process, they will be more likely to engage and be motivated. Here are some ways to make your adult learners feel special and in control – Ask for their input before teaching something new.

– Encourage them to set goals and deadlines for themselves.

– Give them clear guidelines on what they need to do in order to succeed.

– Let them know that their opinion matters – Engage them with hands-on activities

– Provide opportunities for them to share their successes with others.

No one likes to fail, but it’s a natural part of life. If you’re not prepared for it, failure can be devastating. Here are seven ways to motivate yourself to keep going when things get tough -Set small goals: You may find success easier if you break your larger goal into smaller ones. Achieving these goals will give you confidence and build momentum as you go on. Keep moving forward. Use I Can statements: Make it your mantra. I can do this! Failure is temporary: Nothing lasts forever, so don’t give up just because you failed the first time.